21 nominations at the Twisting the Hellmouth Crossing Over Awards for me this year! Thanks to everyone who was so kind as to nominate my stories! I'm very flattered :) Now, if you want, you can read (or re-read) the nominated stories and vote if you would like :)
From my ficlette thing a couple of weeks ago, for sparrow015: Nathaniel and Andrew. It developed into a 2,000-word Mind the Gap ficlette, so it's up at TTH as well. Enjoy!
It's all Sumerian to me By Mhalachai Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Anita Blake belongs to Laurell K. Hamilton. No profit has been made from
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Five ficlettes! I was going to write drabbles, but don't have the discipline. So, the ficlettes! (The Inevitable universe ones are in the next post)
Title: In Style Characters: Dawn and Jean-Claude (BtVS/AB) For: emony2 Notes: In the Mind the Gap universe. Half a year after MtG ends. Also, a hint of purple. ( In Style )
Candlelight three is posted. It's shorter than Mind the Gap 8.4, but that's good, because if I had to write any more angsty!Buffy I'd be blubbering too much to see the screen. Also, am hopped up on Nyquil for this evil cold. This is the third one this winter. Can we say stress?