SGA ficlette: Calm After The Storm

Jun 10, 2006 11:18

This is for slythhearted, who was wondering how the events of The Storm/The Eye affected the attitude of the Marines under his command. I'm not sure what the Marines think, so I had to go for Sergeant Bates' POV.

As an aside, what is it about SGA that makes me want to write tiny stories in present tense? It's a totally weird thing for me. K, onto fic.

Calm After The Storm
A Stargate Atlantis ficlette

Summary: Bates didn't like Major John Sheppard in any way, shape or form, but that didn't matter after the storm.
Rating: PG for swearing
Disclaimer: Sony and MGM own all things Stargate Atlantis. I'm only borrowing and will return them at the end of the fic.
Setting: After "The Storm" and "The Eye" (mid season 1)
Word count:: 491
Note: Yeah, Sergeant Bates was portrayed as a jerk, but I liked him. He was uncompromising and had the best interests of the expedition at heart in all he did. Well, most of what he did.


When Bates learned what had happened on Atlantis during the storm, he could only think one thing. To quote his drill sergeant, holy motherfucking shit.

Bates didn't like Major John Sheppard in any way, shape or form, but that didn't matter. Bates was a sergeant, a soldier, and he would obey the chain of command. Even so, after Colonel Sumner's death, he'd maneuvered to keep himself as head of Atlantis security in an attempt to prevent any screw-ups by Sheppard, who by all accounts was a no-good reckless fly-boy with a predilection for disobeying orders.

Bates also hadn't liked how Sheppard had gotten so close with the men. He was their CO, damn it, not their buddy. He wasn't supposed to be trying to arrange football games in one of the old Atlantis greenhouses, or leading a petition to Weir to have the cafeteria serve pie.

(There was also the close relationship Sheppard had with Weir, in light of her role as civilian head of the expedition, but Bates was Not Going There. He'd read up on Weir, and knew she'd never let her common sense be swayed by Sheppard's little boy smile.)

He'd considered trying to stay on Atlantis as the storm approached, but in the end decided that if the city was lost, he needed to be on the scene, protecting their people. Sheppard and a couple of marines could probably manage to protect two people, even if one of those people was the monumentally annoying Dr. McKay.

When he got back to Atlantis and heard how Sheppard had single-handedly warded off a Genii assault on the city, killing over sixty enemy combatants in the process, Bates had almost had a stroke.

Sheppard didn't look any different, didn't seem to care he'd killed so many people in a few hours. It didn't fit in any way with Bates' Antarctic fly-boy view of Sheppard. Bates would have given almost anything to see what was in Sheppard's sealed files, the ones Colonel Sumner had read before he bent enough to allow Sheppard on the expedition.

The Genii incident only served to increase Sheppard's standing in the eyes of the men. To most of them, the Major could do no fucking wrong. They knew he'd do anything for any of them: walk into a Wraith ship to pull them out, fly an insane jumper mission, take on a Wraith in a fucking knife fight. Hell, if the stories kept up, the marines might start to believe the Major could step off the South pier and go for a nice stroll on the ocean.

Bates didn't like the burgeoning hero worship, even though he knew he it would make discipline easier. He didn't like how Sheppard was getting far too personally involved with Teyla Emmagen. He downright hated how Sheppard refused to acknowledge that he couldn't charm his way out of any situation.

Still. Sheppard might not be a total loss after all.

the end

fic: stargate atlantis, type: standalones but not drabbles

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