It has been a busy month.

Mar 29, 2010 16:00

We traveled to see family for half of my spring break, then last week I played catch up to get back to my usual schedule. This and next week I give lots of tests and lab practicals, but grading is usually easier than teaching ( Read more... )

novel #4, work, novel writing, revision, writing

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Comments 2

delphinbella March 29 2010, 21:11:41 UTC
I'm sorry about the meeting yesterday. I sent everyone an email asking if we could get together a little earlier, but it looks like only half the people got it. Since I didn't hear back from you and Lesley and neither of you had posted a chapter I figured you decided not to come, and we left just before 1pm, so we just missed you guys.

But yeah, it does seem that the group is kinda falling apart :/ We've already lost half of our members (although Eric broke up with his gf, so he'll be going to them more regularly now).

We were going to meet up in N Chuck next month, so if you want to try it one more month we'll see if we can't get everyone on the same page this time.

Also, would earlier in the day (~11am) work better for you, or is 1pm better?


mgsmurf April 5 2010, 17:45:19 UTC
I had sent an email saying that I was coming, but hadn't posted a chapter since I was behind with critiquing other people's chapters. So, just mass communication problems all around sounds like. I was glad that at least Lesley was there. I would have been more upset had we driven all that way for no one to be there ( ... )


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