It has been a busy month.

Mar 29, 2010 16:00

We traveled to see family for half of my spring break, then last week I played catch up to get back to my usual schedule. This and next week I give lots of tests and lab practicals, but grading is usually easier than teaching.

I'm up to 17,800 words or so on Novel #4. I would have liked to have been farther. Weekday mornings and once a week at work I've been writing. I need to write more on Friday (my day off), but then there's also housework to tackle, life to recoup from, and errands to run that day.

Mostly I just suck at writing during the weekend. Not seeing Jedi two nights a week and still not getting home before 6pm the other two nights means that we end up spending a lot of time hanging out over the weekend. So, I'd feel bad to escape to write, unless he's already busy playing a video game, etc.

In other news, my local novel critique group seems to be hanging by a thread. I think we might limp along until Nano, but mainly I just expected too much from it. So, I need to face that I should attend to talk writing with people in RL, hear a few things about my own writing, think about flaws in other peoples novels and enjoy that little amount of help. Afterward the meetings I so much want to hear from my LJ writerly types instead, because they seem to be at a more similar stage in their writing.

What I really need to do is get RL friends, family, co-workers, and possibly LJ types to beta read either novel #1 or #2. Sadly, I will then have to listen and pay attention to their thoughts on it, show my work to the real world and face that it's imperfect, and then find the time to re-revise said novel. Why is the writing so much more fun than critiques and revision?

novel #4, work, novel writing, revision, writing

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