
Feb 18, 2008 03:14

Hellooo...just joined, love Michelle Forbes:)...particularly Cain...I think she's a fascinating character...anyway...this is a fanfic I wrote... it's the first I've ever please comment and tell me how terrible it is and what I can do better next time!
I know that lesbian Cain is canon...but within the original arc I never saw her as particularly gay...I just figured there were no men man-enough on Galactica or Pegasus I've written her as bi...and not terribly mean...just complicated...which is how I see her.


Characters: Cain, m, Gina
Rating: G/PG
Summary: made-up backstory/Cain scene set on the Scorpia Shipyards shortly before the attack.

Admiral Cain stood at one end of the stainless steel bar nursing a glass of Ambrosia and absentmindedly flicking through the pile of ship’s specs and equipment order-forms that lay in front of her. She’d been on her way back to the Pegasus from a day of meetings with suppliers and maintenance people on the shipyard when, passing the bar, she’d decided that a few more minutes without the ever-constant presence of her ship and crew might do her some good. The relative anonymity of the shipyard’s bar gave her the illusion of solitude at least; the people here might know of her, acknowledging her rank with curt, deferent nods, but they weren’t her responsibility and there was none of the suffocating, mindless adoration she sometimes sensed wafting towards her from her own crew like some distasteful wave of communal body odor.

She took a quick swig of her drink, biting down hard on an ice-cube and feeling the satisfying squeak of the frozen water against her teeth before it shattered.
Her name sounded from behind her back, conspicuously devoid of rank and title, in a far too familiar and confidently drawling male baritone. She stiffened inwardly but let a slow smile curve slyly at the corner of her mouth as she turned, one eyebrow raised, in the direction of the insubordinate speaker.
“Commander Peterson.” She replied coolly, fingers moving to flick the bangs from her eyes.
It was Alexander Peterson’s turn to raise his eyebrows:
 “Commander eh?...Are we on duty here…Admiral?”
Helena was quiet for a moment as she looked at Peterson, re-acquainting herself with his tall, blond, ever-so spick-and-span presence. She sighed, and relaxed into a genuine smile.
“Am I ever not on duty, Alex?” She asked, only slightly in jest.

Peterson ordered two more glasses of Ambrosia from the bartender and then turned to Helena, bending his neck slightly to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Once in a while I do actually miss you…a bit” he said quietly, with a not-quite sardonic undertone.
Helena’s posture stiffened and her eyes darted quickly around the room. “Looking for what?” she asked herself, “As if anyone here cares that once upon a time the ice queen herself, the great Admiral Cain, ball-breaker extraordinaire, had a thing going with the poster-boy of the Colonial Fleet.”
Peterson noticed her reaction.
“What?...You’re worried that one of your little Ensigns might see us and figure out that you’re not actually the reincarnation of Artemis the Virgin Huntress after all?...Wouldn’t that ruin your image!”
“Alex, you know very well that I just like to keep my private life private…knowledge is ammunition.”
“Yes, this conversation does appear to have a familiar ring to it…”
Helena gave him a withering look and gulped back the last of the Ambrosia from her first glass. Leaving the second glass full, she gathered her papers and turned towards the door.
“I have work to do.”
Peterson moved to grab her wrist but very quickly thought better of it.
“Admiral?” He called out loudly.
She turned back to him with a huffed exhalation of breath and narrowed her eyes.
“Helena,” he continued more quietly, “this is stupid, I haven’t seen you in over a year, can’t we just catch-up, have a nice conversation, enjoy ourselves?...We’re not together, so what would it matter if anyone were to see us?”
Unable to provide herself with a satisfactory answer to his question, Helena decided to ignore it and relentingly moved back towards the bar.
“O.k., so…what are you doing at Scorpia?” He asked pleasantly.
“Oh, you know…Refit. The works.”
“Decorating that monster of yours with yet more hardware?”
“That’s the idea.”
“I see you’re as voluble as ever.”
She smiled sideways at him. “Yeah, well, it was never my conversational skills that you admired me for was it?”
Peterson met her gaze with something very worryingly like longing in his eyes. Helena turned her head down to fiddle uncomfortably with her uniform jacket, straightening the seams with fluttering fingers she lifted her chin up towards him and bluntly changed the subject.
“I hear you’re being supplied with the new vipers too?”
“So you did know I was here then?”
There was a beat of silence as Helena looked away into the steadily increasing crowd of people. She glanced at her feet quickly and then back to him.
“It just didn’t seem like a good idea…”
“Why not?...We can be friends can’t we?”
“Well, yes…I hope so.”
“You hope so?...Are we not friends?”
Helena sighed and shook her head slightly.
“I don’t know Alex, are we?”
Just then, she caught sight of a tall blonde head moving towards her through the crowd.
“Gods!” swore Helena, under her breath.
Gina reached the Admiral with a few strides of her long legs, leant in to kiss her on the cheek, smiled brightly and said:
“I had no idea you’d be here! - It’s not really like you…” she suddenly noticed Peterson standing there “Oh, hello, sorry, I’m Gina Inviere, I’m with the M.O.D., I’m helping Hel..uh, I mean, Admiral Cain, with the Pegasus refit.”
Helena silently cursed the Gods for this totally unacceptable constellation of events, she grabbed her drink from the bar and took a large swig, crunching the ice-cubes loudly with her teeth. Gina, sensing something was wrong, put her hand on the Admiral’s arm; Helena jerked away, her hand flicking up nervously to smooth an eyebrow.

Alex Peterson watched the little scene unfolding before him, he recognized it very easily, it was one he had been a part of many times before. Helena was staring at him now as she knocked back the rest of her drink. Her eyes were hard and flinty, challenging him to keep her secret. She grabbed for her papers on the bar, turned and tersely addressed both of them:
“I’m leaving. It’s getting crowded and I have a lot of work to do. Good luck with your new vipers Commander.” She saluted Peterson, and then nodding her head at the blonde woman she strode off, a pathway to the door clearing miraculously in front of her.
Peterson turned to face Gina and smiled sweetly at her.
“I’d better be getting back to my ship also…it was nice to have met you, however briefly.” He turned to leave but hesitated a second and then turned back to face her.
“Don’t get upset about Helena, she’ll be fine in a couple of hours, she’s just…she’s a hard nut to crack” he laughed, “it’s a control thing…probably”.
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