In Treatment Screencaps

Mar 08, 2008 22:03

I've been watching In Treatment because my Michelle love has taken over my brain.

I've also been taking screencaps of all of her appearances. I just now got all caught up, so I thought I'd share the goodies. She's been in 9 of the first 30 episodes (not counting the one with just her voice) - here are caps from those 9. Almost 300 caps total, separated into folders by episode number. Some she's only in for a minute or two, so some of the folders only have a couple pictures, but some have ... quite a few.

So, here's the zip file, have at it if you want 'em. Enjoy 'em, do what you want with 'em, you don't have to credit me or anything - my only stipulation is that if you use 'em to make anything pretty? Icons, wallpapers, whatever? Share with me, okay?
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