Lots of goodies for you (and me!) in one GIANT, crazy post.

Oct 11, 2006 06:33

So. I am going to be gone for a whole week (from LJ). This means I need my friends to entertain me in the slow times. So, please. Email me silly things. Email me fics to read. Anything that isn't a link (so that means copy and paste fics into emails if you want to be really nice and share with me ( Read more... )

topic: porn

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Comments 17

jfc013 October 11 2006, 14:23:34 UTC
(Pssst--your font is so teeny it's often hard for me to read your LJ!) Now, because I can't resist ( ... )


mf_luder_xf October 17 2006, 23:07:53 UTC
Whee! Thanks for participating! I apologize about the font but sadly it's the only size avaliable with this style. I've tried. :-/

I do enjoy that Frost poem.

LOL at IKEA (it's everywhere O__o) and a Hanes outlet store? I didn't know they had those.


inderpal October 11 2006, 22:39:29 UTC
1. What in your mind is a Mary Sue? Just girls? Just OFCs in general? Extrapolate.
A Mary-Sue is a girl i a fic that's just too perfect and able to do everything and most of the time has special powers and always gets the guy and is therefore just annoying. :D

2. Will you read a yourfavoritecharacter/OFC? What does it have to include? What can't it have? How do you judge a fic to be what you want beforehand (when dealing with OFCs)?
Hmmm normally I don't read myfavoritecharacter/OFC, because SPN has pretty much ruined me for any het fiction and most of the time it's just not well done. But I would totally read a Wee!Sam/older(experienced)woman fic,why? Because it would just be hot. xD

3. What's your number one pairing? (Or tell me them all, like I said, I need to be entertained)
Do you even have to ask? SAM/DEAN = ♥

4. Favorite scene from any show.
Uhm, I have to choose?! OK of the top of my heat I'll say the scene in 'Benders' whe Dean finds Sammy in the cage, but that's just one of many. ^^

5. Why do you like Wincest?Because it ( ... )


mf_luder_xf October 17 2006, 23:11:19 UTC
Thanks for filling it out!

But I would totally read a Wee!Sam/older(experienced)woman fic,why? Because it would just be hot.

I find that interesting. I've only read Dean/older woman, but you're right. I think Sam/older woman would be way hott.

On this bog monster of a thing with a lot of 'arms' that always scares the crap out of me when I go into the bathroom and it's still dark.

LOL!! I loved this. Bog monster? Hee hee.


inderpal October 18 2006, 12:55:47 UTC
Woops, I think I ment 'big', but 'bog' sounds way cooler. xD


__3amconfession October 11 2006, 23:24:13 UTC
*pets* Come back to me! *will try to send fics*

I would post the survey here, but it's too long... so I'll send it through e-mail!



d_rainey October 12 2006, 08:06:29 UTC
wtf, snowing already? wow.

1. What in your mind is a Mary Sue? Just girls? Just OFCs in general? Extrapolate.
Any character that is written to represent the author. As long as the story isn't compromised or centered around them and as long as it doesn't ruin other characterizations, I don't have a problem with Mary Sues.

2. Will you read a yourfavoritecharacter/OFC? What does it have to include? What can't it have? How do you judge a fic to be what you want beforehand (when dealing with OFCs)?
OFCs are a wild card, so I'm never sure exactly what I'm gonna get. If I'm in the mood to be introduced to a new character, then I'll give it a try and see if I like it.

3. What's your number one pairing? (Or tell me them all, like I said, I need to be entertained)In order of favorites ( ... )


mf_luder_xf October 17 2006, 23:14:26 UTC
I love Criminal.

Haven't examined the candidates yet.

What? Not even the hilarious Independent guy running for Govenor? LOL

*makes grabby motions* Funny porn, please!

And I love your movie idea!!


d_rainey October 18 2006, 05:52:15 UTC
I've seen Kinky around and read about him, yeah, but I haven't seen the other candidates. My friend is going to vote for him because she thinks at least he's openly crazy instead in private. His proposals are really creative, and I almost want to give them a try because Texas is messed up to the point where maybe any kind unconventional legislation might light a fire under the beauracracy's collective ass. *sigh* I just don't know. It really is a huge mess. Do you know who you're voting for yet?

And here is the link to the funny. Scroll down. Very nsfw, fyi.


d_rainey October 18 2006, 05:58:10 UTC
p.s. - wait for the hand puppet....wait for it....! That the part that killed me. XD


my comment was too long.... d_rainey October 12 2006, 08:07:28 UTC
17. Did you ever have to use communal showers in high school? How did you deal?
No, luckily I went to a magnet school where they decided to have more math/science classes instead of p.e.

18. Do you ever think there will be another XF movie? Do you even want one?
FOX and CC are probably going to duke this out forever. I don't see it happening. Yes, I would like to see another XF movie, but if GA and DD are over the hill by the time it's greenlighted, then no.

19. What would you like to see more of on this LJ?
*shrugs* what you're doing so far is good.

20. Tell me your favorite kind of weather, why it is, and one happy memory involving said weather.
Hot, dry heat. It reminds me of the many summers growing up when I'd go swimming and ride my bike everywhere, and play in the empty fields.

21. Where do you buy your underwear?
lol, interesting question. Well, not at Victoria's Secret.

22. Where do you store your towels?
In the closet.


Re: my comment was too long.... mf_luder_xf October 17 2006, 23:17:41 UTC
lol, interesting question. Well, not at Victoria's Secret.

Haha, I was going for random and the question just popped into my head. I take I've mentioned I shop soley at VS before? lol


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