Spring Break To Do List

Mar 09, 2007 17:35

Sticky post for the next week!

To Do:
  • Get drunk (long overdue)
  • Watch the oh...6 eps of Heroes I'm behind on
  • Write my Nathan-centered fic due the 13th
  • Write 10,000 words of my fic for
  • Finish 1st season and get through second season of SG-1
  • Go to the gym once a day
  • Do and turn in scholarships
  • Get my hands on and watch as much SGA as I can in the week
  • Visit home
  • Organize my paperwork
  • Find and schedule a dentist appointment
  • Any RL homework due in the month of March and first week of April
  • Start my giant research paper
  • Write the little SGA fic I have in mind
  • See if I can get back to Heaven Can Wait or Ides
  • Sleep
  • Finish the edit and post the Heroes fic that's been waiting since January
  • Finish the book I've been reading since xmas break
  • Finish tagging posts
  • Read a whole, normal book
  • Get through the SGA fics I have saved and aren't yet read
  • Catch up on the 9 eps of NCIS waiting for me
Whew!  What a list.  The first four HAVE to be done, and the scholarships.  But I want to try to do it all.  *I think I can, I think I can...*

This is half for me and for you so you can randomly comment and be like, "hey, Lucy!  Have you finished blank yet?"

ETA: Well, as you can see, I didn't get nearly through this list and it's 11:11 on Sunday, so sadly, break is officially over.  *cries*  Ah, such is life.
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