(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 21:00

Hola, mi amigos!

To begin, I have a very special Spring Break To Do List posted which everyone should go and see and stab me with a stick to get it done. *nods*

1. John, Mary, and Sam are all Biblical names, but Dean is not. Do you think Kripke did this purposely? And if so, what is the significance?

No.  He took Dean from On the Road and adapted the other leads name, Sal, to Sam.  And I'm pretty sure he just wanted common easy names.

2. From what the demon has suggested so far, we know Sam's afraid he's destined to go "dark", but what about Dean? Do you think greater things, whether they be good or bad, await Dean?

I think all the darkness Dean has in store for him comes simply from his own experiences, his own attitudes.  He's not really destined for anything in terms of the show (I always like fics where he's destined to be Sam's Paladin or something, though).

3. Which singer/band/song would you like to see featured on the show next?

Huh?  The way this question is put makes me think of Smallville or The OC where they had bands on the show.  But I guess, I'd love to hear some Jefferson Starship, just to see the look of horror on Dean's face.  *snort*

4. If you could change anything about Sam and/or Dean, what would it be?

Well, if they did this on the show, they wouldn't be the characters, but say if I were to ever meet them and converse in RL, I'd want Sam a little less bitchy and Dean a little less sleazy (yes, just like their opinions of one another in Tall Tales).

5. What was your reaction when you discovered the squeaks in the Metallicar's doors are actually sound effects?

Didn't surprise me.  I mean, come on.  The stiletto sound in XF was someone's voice.  It's TV.

Ok, this isn't so much a review as some minor thoughts/comments.


One of my favorite eps of the season because I love seeing an enemy of Ra. Also, the whole woman enchantress is so horribly cliche that it rocks this ep. I mean, the conversation between Dr Fraiser and Carter about seducing the men is just...I totally busted a gut laughing. And their whole, "Come here and we'll show you." I mean, what guy actually falls for that line?! And I also totally ROTFL at this because man. Daniel is a P-I-M-P! Why is it she chooses him instead of Jack? technically, he's the one who killed Ra. LOL Plus, how many aliens have British accents? And red hair? *glomps Hathor*


This episode was utterly predictable in the sense that we had to have an angsty ep of what Teal'c has done in the past. It was a decent ep, but I must admit I was bored by its predictability (especially with Daniel and his wife comments). Although Jack as a defense lawyer was rather humorous.


This started out really cheesy and ended that way, but I also totally love it. Typically I hate shows that have a strong female lead and then feel the need to put her in a mother role...but it worked here for me. Sam was adorable as a mom and that scene with the nuclear plant and going back...yeah, I teared up a little. And also, if I were one to be keen on het pairings...I loved the Sam/Daniel interaction here. He was both comforting to Sam and to Cassandra. I love it from a friends/team view the most, but the few Sam/Daniel shippers out there (I haven't seen too many), I totally understand where they're coming from. Also, Jack outrunning Gou'ald ships in hazmat gear. Hahahah!!


Simon!! Ok, no, not really. But my first thought whenever I see this actor, Garwin Sanford, my first thought is always hey it's Tad from So Weird! And then I think, hey it's Simon from Atlantis! And really, this guy has been in every single Vancouver show EVER. Anyway, I actually like Narim better than Simon (because Garwin always makes the best quirky characters vs straight characters). I really like the deep interactions we get, the slightly more philosophical nature of the ep, like The Nox, even bringing The Nox into the ep. And Narim and Sam=so cute!


Ok, for someone (me) who still doesn't like Sam entirely, I seem to like her in every pairing. Because my number one love for this ep comes from the commanding officer and lower officer relationship, that sense of loyalty, fealty almost. But my second love came because the relationship seemed so much more than that and the last little cuddle scene was just...I felt myself tearing up again (seriously, this show makes me weepy). I was also highly amused because I guessed that it was going to be the gate in Antarctica, but still, really sucky and really funny to be so close from home and not know it. Irony.

There But For The Grace of God:

First off, LOVE the title. Why can't more shows have creative titles like this one? Second, quantum mirror. Who could ask for more? What I didn't understand (and not a comment against the show, just acting as though the characters were real kind of complaint) is why after everything else they've seen, the rest of the team didn't want to believe Daniel was in another reality. I mean, that doesn't seem such a stretch to me. *shrugs* I loved the "Guess they're not engaged in your reality," bit (and jack's predictable reaction when Daniel tells him that back in his own reality). And actually, Sam in long hair is much more flattering to her face. I liked it better.


OMG Senator!! *throttles* So many of the shows I watch are anti-military (think XF, out to hide conspiracies) that it's wonderful to see a show pro-military (and not in a radical sense, just that the military can do good and be good). And then you bring in an asshole Senator like that and considering a lot of the shows I watch are pro-government (West Wing, anyone?), it's shocking for me to dislike a civil servant but wow. Kinsey needs to stick his nose somewhere else! And the President caving so easily? Seriously, he must be facing a hostile Congress because, no. Anyway, my complaint about this ep is the need to show us long montages from the season. And I know they do this multiple times throughout the show, so the people who complain about the X-Files finale showing montages? You got nothing compared to SG-1. I mean, is the idea to hook in new viewers, give a quick run-down? Because new viewers don't typically tune in the second to last ep of a season. They usually catch the finale if they haven't started watching already. So it just seemed rather pointless. And Pusher (or Samuels on SG-1)!! Man, he annoyed me too. I know he's supposed to but...grr.

Within The Serpent's Grasp:

I love SG-1 going through the gate and trying to single (eight) handedly stop the Gou'ald. What heroes they are!! Makes my heart go pitter-patter. I loved the ep, nothing in specific, but just a well-rounded ep. Oh, and the yelling between Hammond and O'Neill. Bizarrely hott.

General thoughts:

OMG Daniel!! First off, I feel like a total sell-put liking him so much since EVERYONE in fandom does, but how can you not? He's adorable! He has high morales but sometimes instinct get the best of him (Hathor and killing the larvae in Bloodlines) and so it's nice to see he's human too. Plus, when you get a close-up without the glasses...damn, Michael Shanks is pretty. Like his lips. Geez. And, as a shock to any of you reading this and knowing my hairstyle preferences, I love his hair. Seriously, I'm finding it a shame they cut it second season. It's just so pretty and soft looking and quite amusing when he runs.

One of the best things is how many times Daniel dies. The man truly has nine lives. More than Cancer Man. I mean, he dies in the movie (which does count since it leads into the show) and then is revived by Ra's sarcophagus. The he's presumed dead by all but Jack and Jack's men at the beginning of SG-1. He's thought to be dead (even gets a full funeral which again, knowing he wasn't dead, still made me cry) in Fire and Water. Then he's dead in The Nox, and again in Within the Serpent's Grasp. I'm pretty sure he dies or is thought dead 6 times and I'm just forgetting the sixth. It's ridiculous. And funny.

Jack. O'Neill, with two l's. Oh, man, the guy cracks me up. He's by far my favorite character because he's like a big five-year-old who knows how to act mature when need be. He's so subtle in his humor and sarcastic. My kind of guy. Not to mention, wow those eyes. And how good he looks in dress blues.

Apothis. The guy cannot ever make me keep a straight face. I mean, have you seen him? The gold, the skinnyness and his haughty-taughty air that's just so in contrast to his flashy self. And then the voice. Oh, man. Hahahahaha.

One other thing I love is, of course, the gold glowing eyes. Seriously, gets me every time. Not as cool as the Black Oil, but cool nonetheless.

And finally, Teal'c. I think he (Christopher Judd) may be the best actor ever because who else could keep this face in every episode without it entirely freezing that way?

friday five, reviews: sg1

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