Tutorial #9

Jun 11, 2008 12:24


using Photoshop 7

1) Crop your image ect...

2) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Hue/Saturation and


3) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Curves and follow these settings

Input: 114
Output: 136

4) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color

REDS -100/-13/+31/0
NEUTRALS 0/0/-18/0

5) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color

REDS -26/+4/+100/0
YELLOWS -100/+12/-100
NEUTRALS 0/-11/-18/0

6) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color

REDS 0/+29/+100/0
YELLOWS 0/0/-100/0
NEUTRALS +10/-9/-15/0

7) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color

REDS +21/-11/+28/0
YELLOWS 0/0/-100/0
BLUES 0/0/-100/0
NEUTRALS 0/-5/-14/0

8) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Selective Color

REDS -49/+4/+100/0
YELLOWS 0/+26/-100/0
NEUTRALS 0/-9/-16/0

9) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance

MIDTONES +10/+10/+10
SHADOWS +10/+10/+10
HIGHLIGHTS -10/-10/0

Make sure Preserve Luminosity is checked.

10) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Channel Mixer

RED +114/-18/0
GREEN 0/+116/-18
BLUE +4/-20/+116

11) Go to Layer> New Fill Layer> Solid Color

Fill it with 31200B and set to Exclusion opacity 100%

12) Duplicate the Exclusion layer and set the opacity to 50%

13) Go to Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Brightness/Contrast


14) You may add textures or brushes. If you want, you can use this texture (by peoplesmachines) and set it to Multiply opacity 100% and you'd get this-

You're done! Enjoy and hope you like it. :)
Please comment if you use it or like it. I'd really like to see results.
You may have to do a few adjustments if your icon does not turn out the way you want. I'm sorry if this tutorial does not work for your icon. I tried this tutorial with a lot of different images and it works fine with all of them.

PSD file-

Other icons made with this tutorial:

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