Title: Living (One Shot)
Author: Metriosity
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG
Summary: On the sofa after 9x04
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, though I wish I did. Shonda and ABC are the lucky ones with all the rights, claims and ownership.
Authors Note: Its been nearly a year since I wrote anything... Really rusty.
Living... )
Comments 8
I am majorly impressed with Jcaps and Sara's acting throughout their scenes. Especially as JCaps was still on Maternity leave to do hers. They are amazing right now.
I loved this line: "I could hear screaming. It was so loud and it hurt my ears. It wasn't until Cristina screamed at me to stop that I realized it was me."
I kinda just wanted this short to be like a door opener. As in after this, they could find a middle ground, rather than Callie taking the brunt of Arizona's pain and Arizona feeling alone.
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