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Comments 13

autumnia August 15 2010, 22:45:01 UTC
I liked this, even though I know absolutely nothing about Supernatural. (Oddly enough, my favorite line is about her chewing out Bella on the phone.) I can't believe I just admitted to liking a Twilight fic. Just don't mention that to anyone, 'kay? Thanks.


metonomia August 15 2010, 22:53:00 UTC
Heee, thank you so much! I am still mostly disbelieving that I *wrote* a Twilight fic. But I love Renesmee and all her possibilities. Thank you tons for reading! <3


rthstewart August 16 2010, 00:58:07 UTC
I left a comment over on the femgen site. You are really rocking at this LJ comment stuff. I cannot WAIT to see your Narnia exchange prompt!! Great stuff, my friend.


animus_wyrmis August 16 2010, 02:43:13 UTC

I loved this so much! Jo is so awesome and brilliant and she tries to stay away from hunting but it totally doesn't work and her roommate is sort of a hunter too! AND REN. OMFG REN. She is totally over this Jake thing (oh thank god) and doing her own thing and loving it. <3333

...Where is the sequel where Ren explains about imprinting, huh!?


metonomia August 16 2010, 03:11:23 UTC
Oh, Ren knows. The original ending of this had an entire angsty drama in which Jo saw the blood-drinking and really did think about shooting Ren, and Betsy helped me see that it was uh, really rushed and crap. I like this better because oh yes, she knows, and now I can wonder if she ever does tell Jo!

<33333 Thank you so so so much, I'm really glad you like it!

...um. I would actually consider writing that. Hm. Ren'n'Jo hunting an errant werewolf? And Ren kind of expects it to be all cuddly and into perfect love, but actually it would just like to eat her.


animus_wyrmis August 16 2010, 04:28:33 UTC
Ooh! I think that would be an interesting thing too, but I like this better. Because really, Ren would totally blow her mind and it would make me go :(.

OMFG YEAH. And Jo being like "They're not like you see in the movies, you know," and Ren being all "But...."

Or maybe they meet a werewolf and then they meet the imprintee, and Jo is all squicked and Ren is all like "Here is my card, I think we should talk."


metonomia August 16 2010, 04:59:23 UTC
OMG yeah! And Jo's like, "how are you so calm about this?" And Ren just can't talk about it, not to Jo, so all she says is "I was in a relationship like that, once. No one should be told that they have to be with someone just because they're supposedly perfect for each other. And he was raising her to it!"

Jo just shudders. "That's completely disgusting. And I thought he was cool because he wasn't hurting any humans!"

"Yep," Ren says, touching the braided bracelet she still wears. "Pretty freaking gross."


wingedflight21 August 16 2010, 17:37:38 UTC
Brilliant. Very, very well done. Awesomeness. I agree with previous sentiments that there should be more Ren and Jo going off and hunting werewolves haha.


metonomia August 16 2010, 17:43:44 UTC
<333 Thank you! Heehee, I really like the two of them hanging out together.


l_a_r_m August 21 2010, 14:07:38 UTC
I LOVE THIS. Go Ren for getting away from her family, wow! You forget because this story makes it seem so *right* that Renesmee is basically raised into a family of absolute codependence and cultishness. OMG GO HER!

I love the fight fire with fire bit -- that is beyond awesome, because DRINKING IS SO THE ANSWER, RIGHT JO? -- and I LOVE that she drinks the shifter's blood. This is fabulous. And Jo kicks ass, of course. SOCRATES OMG. And Ren yells at Bella over the phone, YES.

Ending lines = fabulous.


metonomia August 21 2010, 16:59:47 UTC
<333 Her family really does love each other and her, but the things they want are not the things she wants. Plus. Imprinting. *shiver*

LOLOLOL I debated the drinking section for so long because like, drinking is *not* the answer, but the story didn't have enough SPN in it and it's JO (there is a big problem with her name because I often accidentally type it as Ho).

You are fabulous! Thank you tonnnnns!


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