Nov 06, 2011 21:35

Ohhh, my mom. So helpful when I am sick! Because of course the Junebug gave everybody else his cold. Weirdly. He had a terribly runny nose and no fever. I got no runny nose but a fever that knocked me off my feet for half a day. Mr. E got general lassitude and a sore throat. And the kid was sick yesterday and then mildly snotty today and I expect he will be fine tomorrow. Me, I am not quite at 100%, but I felt about 90% most of the day and will go to bed soon.

So my mom, while I was sick and completely not coping with the baby: infinitely helpful, kind, thoughtful, etc. The moment I am back on my feet? Back to telling me, when the baby was crying, "Don't pick him up. Let him get used to lying there. They'll just let him lie there, you know."

But that is not the big news. Here is the big fucking red letter day news: today the Junebug deliberately imitated me.

I was, um, I don't know what the word is: like blowing a raspberry, but instead of sticking your tongue out you just vibrate your lips? Like a zerbert but with no substrate? Anyway, I was doing that at him, saying, "Go like this! Go BBBBBBB!" but just teasing him, as I am wont to do; when I noticed that he really did have his lips pressed together and looked like he was trying to blow bubbles with his spit only he didn't know how.

So I did a raspberry at him. "Go like this! Go THBLBTHP!"

And he stuck his tongue out.


He loves the YMCA song. He loves the Itsy Bitsy Spider song. He is the sweetest kid! When he was sick and miserable on Saturday I did the YMCA song with him and he tried to smile at me even through his snorfly misery. Oh, my Junebug.

(Crossposted to with

family, junebug

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