that 'killing for fun' murder of an aussie in okalahoma

Aug 21, 2013 12:03

THE MEDIA DON'T REALLY WANT TO REPORT THIS STORY WITH A TEN FOOT POLEWhy? Come on. YOU know. It doesn't advance any liberal agenda ( Read more... )

msm, liberalism, media bias, gun control, racism

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Comments 31

yamamanama August 21 2013, 18:24:43 UTC
Really, blaming the music they listened to?


jordan179 August 22 2013, 00:14:28 UTC
No, merely mentioning it as an influence.


yamamanama August 22 2013, 02:46:28 UTC
It probably isn't.


jordan179 August 22 2013, 03:15:25 UTC
On what evidence do you base your statement that "it probably isn't?"


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