frankly, liberals can't handle power after they grab it

Jun 04, 2013 10:21

They engage in deceit and wordplay to assume power and then eventually succumb to the lust they have for it after they become intoxicated by its exercise. They LOVE to exercise power and to FORCE others to bend to their wills. They pretend they are something they are not and then, when they have slithered their way in, and start doing what they REALLY want, they claim it's what "the people" empowered them to do.

And I have said this straight to the faces of my liberal friends for 30 years now, because like Diogenes, I find it more constructive to "bite my friends" than my adversaries.

You see, leftists believe the "masses" have to be talked down to, that their information has to be screened, censored, colored and spoon-fed to them.

They think THEY are endowed with an enlightenment that makes them exclusively suited for "educating" people about what is right and proper and what they should be believe.

And if they don't cooperate?

Then you get what we've been seeing for the last 4 plus years and especially in the news about the avalanche of scandal in the Obama administration and his ever-growing, more-and-more out-of-control and intrusive bureaucratic state.

If you disagree ... you are punished ... tormented ... threatened ... your rights and equal protection under the law suspended ... you are neutered and, they hope, filled with fear and "nudged" into silence.

Or, worse yet, compelled to support them, to "join the team" - all to get your share of the loot ... or to keep more of what belongs to you anyway.

And what has been the ongoing narrative from the media and Democrats and liberal spokespersons amidst more revelations about these ever-widening scandals?

They are warning Republicans to "not overplay their hand"!

Excuse me? They think this is a GAME? I and the American people don't think so.

We are seeing the underbelly of tyranny in the highest levels of government and the Obama administration - evidence of how private citizens and groups have had their rights trampled by government and bureaucrats for POLITICAL PURPOSES.

And now they just want us to trust them? To believe it's just a few "rogue" people making bad decisions? That the GOP will suffer at the polls in 2014 if it "overplays its hand"?

Yeah ... right! The Democrats want to help the GOP in the elections and are trying to convince them not to shoot themselves in the foot by investigating Democrat scandals and making them an issue.

The gall! Their arrogance and contempt for we "little people" are staggering (as anyone who has watched these hearings on the IRS scandals can see).

How stupid they think people are and, unfortunately, there are RINO's and their "consultants" who probably agree with these hacks - so afraid they are of their own shadow and so little understanding of the concept of limited government and Constitutional principles.

I really get on people when I hear them whine after a setback or too. I always tell them - the TRUTH always comes out. Never give up. Keep fighting! You have the facts and the truth on your side. All the other side has is deception ... and coercion.

Anyone with an eye to see and an open mind knows that now.

propaganda, msm, liberalism, tyranny

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