when was the last time you saw a canadian rocket attack on u.s. soil?

Mar 22, 2013 18:58


And we have almost FOUR MORE YEARS of this!

The media are slobbering over yet another "historic" speech by Obama - this time to Israeli students telling them politicians won't take "risks" unless pushed by the people.

TRANSLATION: Listen to your "Community Organizer-in-Chief" and pressure politicians to do what Obama wants.

And of course he had to diss American again AND exploit his two daughters lamenting how they live in a country where they ONCE may have been unable to accomplish anything because of (apparently) discrimination and sexism.

And he says THIS in earshot of the Middle East hell-holes where TODAY women are treated like cattle!

And in a classic example of hyperbole he compares the rift between Israel and Palestinians with the relationship the United States has with Canada! You know - those extremists to the North who dare ask us to buy their dirty old oil and flood our country with the likes of Jim Carrey, Peter Jennings, Alex Trebek, Pamela Anderson, John Kenneth Galbraith, Dan Akroyd, Margot Kidder and of course, Justin Bieber.

Oh, the horror!

Which reminds me.

My ancestors had their homes destroyed, land confiscated, and were booted out of Nova Scotia in the Acadian Expulsion 250 years ago.

Isn't it about time we have our land returned and are paid reparations for having to endure this outrage?

How about that, Mr. President? Please start the ball rolling by sending a check paid to ... *SARC*

humor, satire, politics

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