UPDATE! - Sharyl Attkisson, one of the few real reporters in the msm, just tweeted that the White House has no comment about the EU proposal to seize private assets in Cyprus (and apparently now possibly in Italy).
Got that? The Obama administration cannot bring itself to oppose the government seizure of PRIVATE PROPERTY!
https://twitter.com/SharylAttkisson The quote? You know - the one by Margaret Thatcher who said the problem was socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.
Like what's coming here in America courtesy of the left.
Oh, that's right - they'd never do THAT here.
Actually, I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the things I predicted that my liberal friends scoffed at in years past. Things they mockingly described as "fear-mongering" and "hysteria" and so forth.
Things only 10 years ago NO ONE might ever thought possible - like government-ordered food portion control, spying on Americans, rationing medicine, supporting anti-Semites, attacking the successful, redistribution of wealth, trashing our loyal allies, mocking God, and even ordering churches to act against their moral precepts.
Oh how deafening the silence is these days!
Obama and the Democrats are racking up astronomical debts "paying" for their little utopian fantasy state and redistribution of wealth schemes and themselves are already talking about seizing YOUR assets in the form of IRA and 401-K retirement funds and other such "investments" and savings to pay for their "fundamental transformation of society".
Their model? A failed European socialist state with fewer people working, more people on the dole, some generations having NEVER worked and contributed a "dime" for their entitlements and NOW, as country after country is facing bankruptcy, the prospect of seizing a portion of the money saved by hard-working people to pay for their folly.
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/yen-firms-asia-shares-fall-001926588.html Coming to America!
MATH LESSON - Did you know that if Obama seized ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the annual income of all the millionaires and billionaires in this country he could only pay for about 6 months worth of the debt he has accumulated in 4 years?
Hey guys - guess what? They're really coming after YOU!
And to think you actually voted for this.
Like the French who elected a socialist, Francois Hollande, whose approval rating has already sunk (along with the French economy) to 31%. Gee - who'd have thought THAT would happen with a guy who wanted to create jobs by raising tax rates to 75% and growing the government even more, huh?
Obviously, Hollande is no Barack Obama who gets away with such shenaigans with an adoring press, "free" stuff, and a clueless 'cult-of-personality' following.
I know - but you really did think it was all going to be "free". And THAT'S good?
Well - I'VE been preparing for all this to the best of my ability. Have you?