Supernatural fic: Domesticity

Aug 10, 2010 01:08

Title: Domesticity
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: E/O challenge word: Local.  “You’re not from around here, are you?”

Prompt: Local“You’re not from around here, are you?”

It’s a question Sam had gotten a million times before, from kindly old ladies to bullies looking to rough up the new kid.

It’s a question Sam loathed.

When he’d finally gotten to Stanford, he hadn’t thought much about settling down. But when a gorgeous blonde flags him down with “You’re from around here, aren’t you?” he thinks about how good that sounds. And right then and there, he decides he’s never going to give that up.

Because right then and there, he can finally reply, “Yeah. Yeah, I am from around here.”

genre: family/friendship, pairing: sam/jessica, fandom: supernatural, fic, fic: domesticity, rating: g, character: sam winchester, character: jessica moore

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