31 Days of Supernatural - Day 9, Favorite Dean Death Scene

Aug 10, 2010 00:21

Day 1 - Your favorite character
Day 2 - Your least favorite character
Day 3 - Your favorite season
Day 4 - Your least favorite season
Day 5 - Your favorite episode
Day 6 - Your least favorite episode
Day 7 - Your favorite Dean crying scene
Day 8 - Your favorite Sam crying scene

Day 9 - Your favorite Dean death scene

I’d like to say something super meaningful, like his death in “Devil’s Trap” or in “Dark Side of the Moon.”  But I can’t help it; my favorite Dean death scene is in “Mystery Spot” where he dies at the paws of a golden retriever.  For no particular reason other that it was so unexpected (seriously, a golden retriever) and so hilarious.  And poor Sam was just talking to Hasselbeck’s daughter and suddenly bam, he wakes up again.  I could do many paragraphs of analysis and thinky-thoughts on some of Dean’s other death scenes and their impact upon so-and-so, but not today.  Instead, I present the Golden Retriever of Slaughtering Doom.

Day 10 - Your favorite Sam death scene
Day 11 - Your favorite quote
Day 12 - Your favorite funny scene
Day 13 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 14 - A scene that makes you happy
Day 15 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 16 - An episode that scared you
Day 17 - Your favorite SPN friendship
Day 18 - Your favorite SPN romance
Day 19 - Your favorite SPN song
Day 20 - Your favorite recap
Day 21 - Your favorite character entrance
Day 22 - Your favorite minor character
Day 23 - The character that is most like you
Day 24 - An episode you wish never happened
Day 25 - Something that you wish happened but didn’t
Day 26 - Your favorite SPN fanvid
Day 27 - Your favorite season premiere
Day 28 - Your favorite season finale
Day 29 - Your favorite SPN fanfic
Day 30 - Your favorite MOTW
Day 31 - Anything SPN related

31 days of supernatural, meme

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