Title: Meet The Parents
Author: gijane7702
Rating & Warnings: PG/family fight(?); a curse word or two
Prompts: "You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be." /Promise *whoohoo...used the other prompt!*
Word Count: 2125
Summary: Ever man’s worst day…
Author’s Notes: Part 4 in my series; Set Boxing Day OotP
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Comments 20
I like it. I like the . . . the middle of it! Haha, I didn't say the end. (although that's good, too.) I liked the relationship Tonks' parents have with her.
As I've said, I can understand that Ted is trying to be protective and all.
And if I go on any longer I will lose my ability to be coherent.
*LOL* Not the ending, huh? ;)
I've read several fics where it's Andromeda that has the "problem", so I wanted a twist. Another woman would 'get it' while a daddy would want to protect his little girl...regardless of the fact what she does for a living.
They'll be back again in Part 7 =)
More in response to the whole Andromeda "getting it" thing. Of course she understands. She's a Black who married a Muggle-born Wizard. I imagine she would understand a bit about . . . uh, love and stuff. Yeah, incoherency.
Yes, that is one of the any reasons Andromeda 'gets it'. Tonks comments on that in Part 7 =)
Thanks for reading!
I can see them both as the 'I'm not saying first' types! I wonder now who cracked first...Someone should ask JKR =)
Poor Ted. He wants to protect his little girl, even if she is a big bad Auror.
And I think that Remus is attracted to the Black spirit...Sirius (and James cause I think his mum was one!), Tonks, and now Andromeda. I can alomst see them picking up where he left off with Sirius =)
I really liked your take on Ted and Andromeda's relationship, too, where he's all bluster, but he knows his place ;).
Ted, blustery as he is, just wants to protect his little girl.
My Tonks is all Tonks, not much Black in her. *lucky girl*
And you so know Ted is just humoring her...I do that with mine. 'Yes dear' *eyeroll*
(Harry's not Muggleborn, he's a half-blood. He was raised by Muggles...sorry, the canon bitch in me made me do it)
"Oh my," Andromeda said softly, understanding what had just occurred. -- Really liked that part too...
Andromeda gets it: She too fell in love with a man that the world (well, her world) wouldn't approve of.
Ted gets it soon. We must forgive him for being a tad slow. Besides being a protective father...he is also a man ;)
Thanks for reading =)
“For God’s sake, Remus, call me Andromeda!”
“And you wonder where she gets it from,” he murmured.
I think Remus is drawn the same sort of (Black) spirit: first with Sirius, then with Tonks, and now Andromeda. And they are all drawn to his spirit.
I think you're the only person that got that joke...
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