Kryptonite, or A Much Better Ending

Dec 30, 2008 17:22

Title: Kryptonite, or A Much Better Ending
Author: chococoffeekiss
Ratings: PG, for language and implied!sex.
Warnings: I seem stuck in Grimmauld Place, so I just ran with it. Watch out for random comic book references, I don't own anything you recognize.
Word Count: 2,508
Summary: "Once upon a time, in a land across the sea, there was a girl with a ridiculous ( Read more... )

chococoffeekiss, the pink christmas advent, humour

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Comments 38

duck_or_rabbit December 31 2008, 02:30:15 UTC
i dont have time tonight to read or use capitalization but your prodigious fanfic writing for meta is impressing my socks off. i'll return with bells on for a read and review.


bluemoon1330 December 31 2008, 02:41:49 UTC
Loved it-there's something about having Remus and Tonks mixed with X-men that just works.

I adored the ending.


chococoffeekiss January 5 2009, 19:38:01 UTC
Thanks! I love X-Men, lols! Thanks for your review.


train_lindz December 31 2008, 03:22:07 UTC
You combined HP, X-Men, Spider-Man and Superman which makes you my new hero :)

Listening to Tonks' criticisms of Superman made me laugh, because really, who is fooled by those glasses? I think I'm recognizable when I where my glasses to those who know me without...

Love the editing as well ;) Well done!


chococoffeekiss December 31 2008, 18:38:26 UTC
Thank you! I love comic books, especially those X-Men and Spider-Man! (and so far you're the only one that has picked up on that little allusion;))

I feel the same way about Superman! The only person I don't recognize without glasses on is myself(and only because I can't see without 'em!)

Thanks so much for your review! Happy New Year!


sspring92 December 31 2008, 05:08:51 UTC
Ok, I'm so embarassed, I didn't get the whole Little Red Riding Hood analogy until the very end! But I loved it once I said oh, yeah.....! Interesting take on the aconite, that he can't touch it, but can drink it in the wolfsbane potion. Darn that Kreacher!
I've always wondered about the whole silver thing too. I 've seen it addressed very briefly in a couple of fics, but I've always wondered about that too!


chococoffeekiss January 5 2009, 19:43:20 UTC
LOLs...I was being sneaky about the Little Red theme:D Hehe, Googled aconite to find the superstitions associated with it, and folks would hang it up to keep away werewolves, I guess like garlic and vampires? I dunno, but I thought I'd throw it in :D
The most I've ever seen done with silver being a poison to werewolves is in Underworld, where the vampires load bullets with liquid silver. Interesting!


kt_tonguetied December 31 2008, 06:06:33 UTC
The moment I read Tonks in the the read sweatshirt it made me SMILE like you WOULDN'T BELIEVE. I love little red analogies. And, once again, you make me forget the point in even writing competitively at all. XD

You're wonderful, dearie!


chococoffeekiss January 1 2009, 08:26:18 UTC
Well, thank you, dahling! I love fairy tales almost as much as I like comics, so I had to throw in a Little Red reference;) It seemed to work out just fine!


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