FIC: The Bottom of the Stairs

Jun 16, 2008 21:58

Title: The Bottom of the Stairs
Rating & Warnings: Rated PG-13
Prompts: "You don't know the latest dance/but when it's time to make romance/your kisses let me know you're not a tomboy." -Don’t Ever Change. And: worry
Word Count:1,926
Summary: "No, I have bigger a problem to worry about. A dilemma, even. A predicament, one might say."
Author ( Read more... )

the beatles and the bard, romance, chococoffeekiss, humour

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Comments 29

shimotsuki June 17 2008, 03:54:18 UTC
This had me grinning right from the start! This is a great narrative voice for Tonks, showing her determination and cheekiness and vulnerability all at the same time. I especially liked I can turn it off, morph it away, and people don't see me flustered. They only hear it. Hence, scurvy. You've got great chemistry going between them -- it's fun to watch them tease each other, but then in the end the reader is teased, too. ;)


chococoffeekiss June 17 2008, 04:27:04 UTC
I like making people grin!
thank you for your review.


sspring92 June 17 2008, 03:59:10 UTC
Congratulations on your 1st lj fic post! It's a great place! Really enjoyed the R/T banter! oh and picking up her ankle and forgetting to let go...very sexy! Hope to see more from you in the future!


chococoffeekiss June 17 2008, 04:26:26 UTC
thank you thank you!


mssarajevo June 17 2008, 04:08:02 UTC
This is very entertaining. The banter is crackling and sounds very natural. One question, though - doesn't Remus have grey eyes?


chococoffeekiss June 17 2008, 04:26:06 UTC
I honestly don't remember:P
thanks for your review!


fthpfthpfthp June 17 2008, 06:21:18 UTC
hee hee! HA HA HA *snort*

You WIN! This is the best Tonks's-inner-monologue-piece I have ever read. She is so much fun and so very funny! Your Remus is great, too, with his just-reserved-enough-to-keep-his-Brit-card demeanor barely concealing the marauder's mischief.

There are too many awesome lines to quote - at least one per major paragraph. This whole fic is dense with bright and funny ideas!

Congrats on your first LJ fic, and thanks for the laugh!


chococoffeekiss June 17 2008, 15:50:28 UTC
I didn't know how it would turn out because I've never written in first person POV/inner monologue before except as myself....shhh;)

It makes my day that everyone has such nice things to say about it! Thank you for reading and reviewing and everything:D


godricgal June 17 2008, 14:11:14 UTC
You've certainly arrived on LJ with a bang, and not just the one Tonks made when she fell down the stairs. ;) This is fantastic. The chemistry between the two positively crackles on the page. You've got Tonks' voice spot on, and the narrative is so very entertaining that it had me grinning from start to finish. I think you've captured an excellent Remus, too, with that subtle humour and the way he is consistently amused by Tonks that comes across as him finding her charming, even though she cannot see it, which is very clever when the fic is from her POV and she is not aware of it. Really wonderful stuff - I hope this is the first of many fics we'll see from you here at Meta. :)


chococoffeekiss June 17 2008, 15:43:08 UTC
Glad you liked! I didn't know how it would turn out...and then the internets and their ridiculousness, and me with my ridiculousness...ah well.
Your reviews always make he happy!
I'm so glad you like it, thanks for introducing me to lj!!!!:D


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