So High Above With You- Late, I know

Dec 31, 2007 23:47

Title So High Above With You
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winter wonderland advent, summoner_lenne9, art

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Comments 9

huffle_the_puff January 1 2008, 12:57:26 UTC
Aw, this is very cute! I love Tonks's Hufflepuff scarf. And at least you managed to post this, I spent too long procrastinating on my fic and it refused to let me write it last night =(.

-Huffie x


summoner_lenne9 January 1 2008, 13:09:06 UTC
I'm not sure if I was supposed to post it though o_0. I think I wasn't supposed to, and now I'm worried I'm gonna be yelled at.... *Should delete the post... but.... I don't want to o_0*

Thank you though! And, I'm actually starting to really curse procrastination... it doesn't seem to ever help you out. *Blinks at the blasphemy of this revelation*


huffle_the_puff January 1 2008, 15:33:41 UTC
If I were you I'd keep it up, You weren't *very* late. And now I'm gonna get yelled at too, lol.

-Huffie x


summoner_lenne9 January 2 2008, 01:46:35 UTC
I think they might have excepted it, maybe? They let it stay up, even though I -wasn't- supposed to post after the post over sign was up.



shimotsuki January 2 2008, 03:38:54 UTC
Hmmm... I don't think I can guess about the daydream, but I like way you've slipped in lots of details, like the his-and-hers stockings and the stars on Tonks's pants. And she does seem to have the look of someone who's just figured something out!


summoner_lenne9 January 2 2008, 03:43:54 UTC
Aw shit. I definitely need to edit the explanation more.

The point was it was special chocolate and she's high, lol. And I tried painting a scene from Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds :).


gilpin25 January 2 2008, 15:17:10 UTC
I like all the details you've got in here - Tonks' trousers are wonderfully eye-catching, so is her hair and matching eyebrows along with her striped socks and, of course, her pink stocking. You've also got a lot of expression into her eyes, she certainly looks like the chocolate is making quite an impression! It's a really cosy and cute scene of the two of them by the fire.


summoner_lenne9 January 3 2008, 13:51:55 UTC
The funny thing is, I was honestly trying to make her look high, which tends to happen half the time when you're drawing people and want them to have expression, and then when you -intend- it it looks the opposite. So, go figure :).

Thank you though!


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