So High Above With You- Late, I know

Dec 31, 2007 23:47

Title So High Above With You
Rating & Warnings: PG for drug use :)
Prompts: chocolate
"I'm finding I can fly so high above with you
Far across the world
The villages go by like dreams
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams."
- Walking In The Air - Aled Jones
Medium: Paper/pencil/marker/colored pencil/water colors
Summary: Tonks learns exactly WHY Remus' chocolate is SO potent.
Artist's Notes: Procastination does not even describe this. I've been rushing for hours  to finish this, and you can TELL. It looks like crap, well, it looks rushed. And then, I was rushing to scan it, piece it together- and of course, my computer freezes up. And of course, it's going slow now. And of course, after taking forever piecing it together, and going to upload it- it somehow didn't save and I have to do it again. So, here I am, half an hour late. I was crying earlier, but.... I missed the deadline. I'd beg to still let me in- saying it WAS done before midnight- but it wasn't in.

Anyway, worked on while listening to, oddly, Sweeney Todd the entire time. Nothing like hearing Wormtail, Snape, and Bella sing to inspire you for R/T art! Also, I'll give a hug to the first person who figure out where Tonks' "daydream" comes from. It's sorta obvious. Well, hopefully.

The random bits of color on the carpet are SUPPOSED to be ripped wrapping paper.... if I had more time it'd have maybe actually looked like it, and the carpet would have been littered with it- perhaps tinsel as well. But, alas. Also... just don't mention the hands. Please don't?

Anyway... I missed the deadline, because the world hates me and my computer froze up on me.... and... that sucks more than I can explain. But I hope you like it, anyway. (Also, was I not supposed to post it up after the deadline at all? I forget now, I'm sorry...)

winter wonderland advent, summoner_lenne9, art

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