The art of using Remus as bait

Oct 27, 2007 18:42

Title: Hunting a Bicorn
Rating & Warnings: G
Prompts: Location nr 18 (a three silhoutted against the sky), polyjuice potion, action/adventure
Medium: Ink with fountainpen and brush, background colour added in Photoshop
Summary: Much Polyjuice potion had to be brewed, but they were fresh out of powdered bicorn horn. And how do you lure a bicorn close enough to get your hands on its horns? Why you bait it with a good and faithful husband!
Artist's Notes: This drawing was an experiment on my part. I have only recently acquired a bottle of ink, and though I love it already, I have little knowledge of how to use it. There are many things I like in this drawing (I am actually quite content with it) but it certainly caused some headache, and shortcuts were taken. :) Just a quick note on the use of the prompt polyjuice potion: I had no idea what to do with it, until I, in a fit of desperation started googling the ingredients. I discovered that the bicorn is a fat creature that lives off the flesh of good and faithful husbands. (Another sidenote: the bicorn was the antitype of the thin and starving chichevache, which lived of the flesh of good and faithful wives - male chauvinism? Nooooo, not at all!!) I have based the look of the bicorn on a bull for no good reason, except it has two horns, and the vache-part of chichevache means cow in french... Hmmm, enough notes? On to the drawing, then!  

action/adventure, art, hrymfaxe

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