Day 3

Jun 03, 2006 22:44

I so do not want to write in here. THERE IS NOTHING INTERESTING TO SAY ( Read more... )

music: pimping, school: nu, pics: random

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Comments 12

dragonnite55555 June 4 2006, 04:13:52 UTC
*pets* I'm sorry. I must've spread the emo onto you. v_v

I listen to [part of] that poem that you had posted earlier. Do you seriously need to know all of that? 'Cause that was freaking insane. And intimidating. Even more so 'cause I have no idea whatsoever what's being said. 'Cause I don't know latin. Except what I got from tv. Carpe noctum! Whee!

You're more talented than me; I have no idea how to solve a Rubix cube. *uber glomps for no real reason*


metalphoenix June 4 2006, 04:33:15 UTC
It's too bad my rant wasn't as funny as yours. I was going for more funny-emo than emo-emo. Though! There's a REALLY emo line in there that not many people (if anyone) will catch. Because it's got special emo meanings for me.

Yeah, I seriously need to know all of that. Maybe when I'm done memorizing, I'll make a phone post with ME saying it. That way everyone will know the pain of it. There will be a lot of pauses though.

Amanda is my teacher in the way of the Rubik's. She wins. :) *hugs back*


dragonnite55555 June 4 2006, 04:46:08 UTC
My emo rant was funny? *blinks* If you say so. Was the emo line about the kids? *is going to guess until I find it/get bored ( ... )


metalphoenix June 5 2006, 03:46:33 UTC
Nope, not about the kids. But don't keep guessing because even if you do guess it, I probably won't tell you because it's just so emo. (Again, for me) Thought it's definitely not about the kids, I'll give you that.

You could always download the phone post and play it in your audio player of choice. That's usually what I do, because I like to be able to do other stuff in the browser at the same time.


amandanumber2 June 4 2006, 04:24:34 UTC
ami, your latin teacher got a d in this class, and i doubt you'd she didn't amount to anything. besides, i've heard you recite this poem in person, and i have to tell you that it's effing nuts. i'm really, really impressed.

plus, you're one of the most special/interesting/passionate people i know. don't let garrison kill that. he's not worth it. the class isn't worth it.

love you.

p.s. props for the rubik's cube :D


metalphoenix June 4 2006, 04:34:57 UTC
*raises glass* Here's to Magistra! My one ray of hope in Garrison's class!

Amanda is love. <3<3 love you too.


abunchofcrap June 4 2006, 08:28:45 UTC
Solving Rubiks Cubes is hot. I even typed it "Rubiks Cute" at first.

If I ever have a house or whatever (lol) you can live in mine.


metalphoenix June 5 2006, 03:50:31 UTC
If I lived in your house, I could teach you to solve Rubik's cubes and even more creepies would hit on you! ^_^

I love my Rubik's Cube.


Snap out of Bhen! anonymous June 4 2006, 17:40:42 UTC
Ahem, First of all you are a wonderful, brilliant, funny person and I KNOW you will be fine for your latin poem reciting business. No need to stress. You got skills!!!!

And you can always live with us, you know that. No one will resent you, I think it would be pretty cool to have a live in sitter/house watcher. you would at least make sure that my movie collection was up to par!

Finally, I watched Serenity last night...good movie. I now want to watch the shows...can't wait for you to come home so we can have weekend tv show watching marathons...

GOOD LUCK and KICK $#%@%^!#^@!!!!!!!!!!!

love, vs

ps...i like this 30 day post thing...keep it going sista!


metalphoenix June 5 2006, 03:52:22 UTC
I will take you up on that offer of resent-free co-habitance should the need ever arise, you rememeber that!

Firefly is amazing, we'll definitely watch together when I get back.

<3<3 I'll try to keep it going ^_^


CONGRATS AGAIN!!!! anonymous June 6 2006, 01:36:40 UTC
See, i knew you would KICK #$%^@!^$@#! always trust in the vs! bye!


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