Day 3

Jun 03, 2006 22:44

I so do not want to write in here. THERE IS NOTHING INTERESTING TO SAY.

I am still memorizing the stupid poem. It's so hard. It's SO HARD. I keep pausing in between lines and and it's bad. I'm going to get a bad grade and I'm going to get a C in the class and I'm so stupid and I'm never going to make anything of myself I'll never get into law school I'll just sit in Panera all day using their free wi-fi and checking Livejournal and email and AIM and hoping one of you will grace me with your presence but you'll all have lives and jobs and not be online anymore and I'll have to live with my sister and she'll take care of me and feed me though her and Scott will secretly resent me and wish they didn't have to support my sorry ass and try to think of ways for me to move out of their house and do something worthwhile but I won't because I'm a waste of space but in return I'll babysit her kids and play video games with them until they grow up and go to college and become huge successes like their parents and they'll look down on their Aunt Ami because she's an idiot and never amounted to anything.

But I can solve a Rubix cube!

.. and that's something.

Today's song is: Propellerheads - Spy Break (Short One) from the Matrix Sountrack. Just so you all know these songs aren't necessarily recommendations, just whatever happens to be on my shuffle at the time of posting. Though I do like this song.

P.S. I can be a huge brat when I'm stressed (or you know.. whenever). Sorry Yooney.

music: pimping, school: nu, pics: random

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