Day 4

Jun 04, 2006 22:23

IT'S OVER. IT'S DONE, FINISHED, CAPUT KAPUTT... AND I GOT AN A!! This is fantastic news. Now the bad news is that I still have to study for my final and get a B or better on that to get a B in the class. *sigh* Latin. My throat was/is SO SORE from saying it so much.

So.. what do I write about now? Um. I made a phone post when I was practicing. But it's over 8 minutes long, and that's just boring. But I can't think of anything else and I have to study now. So you get it anyway. Actually, you get a new one, because the old one was posted 8 hours ago and it won't change the time thing and bah. So this is me reading out of the book.. which actually is worse than me saying it from memory, because the pronounciation is all off. It might have been better had I said it from the papers I wrote notes on.. but I ripped those up after I was done.

tv: buffyverse, music: pimping, school: nu, friends: emily, posts: phone posts

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