Day 5

Jun 05, 2006 23:18

Hello everyone and welcome to Day 5. After today we are 16.6667% done with this 30 in 30 thing. I mean.. who's counting? No one's counting. No one is killing me! (Wow, that was lame. But if you get it, you get a gold star.)

Today I went to Starbucks and ordered my usual (yes, I have a usual, shut up): A medium chai with skim. Or if you want to be all fancy, "Grande non-fat Chai Latte" The woman who took my order looked at me and was like.. "...cold?" I got confused, because they don't usually ask that. I responded "Uh, hot?" Then the woman who made the drink repeated it when I went to pick it up.. "Hot??" "Yes?" "something something you're CRAZY!" *gives me a weird look* I don't get it. :( It really wasn't that hot out.

I can't think of anything interesting again. Maybe I should just quit this stupid 30 in 30 thing. It's not like they're 30 posts of actual content.

Ignore the cigarettes, he's quitting Livejournal.

The song for today comes from the awesomely campy movie Josie and the Pussycats. I've been listening to the soundtrack pretty much all day. Josie and the Pussycats - Spin Around I really want to see the movie again now.

What do you think the chances of the world ending tomorrow is? I mean, ignoring the whole thing about the Gregorian calendar being completely off and the date being completely arbitrary. If there's a good enough chance, maybe I don't have to write my papers. Or find out my Latin grade. That'd be sweet. I guess I'll find out at midnight. Or maybe it won't happen until the 666th minute or something. Think I can put off writing my paper until 11:06 if it's due at 3? Well, here's to hoping.

music: pimping, pics: random

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