Day 6

Jun 06, 2006 15:55

I have to update early today because I have to work until 11:30, and that's hardly enough time to get a post in by midnight. Unfortunately for you, I was up all night, and when I tried to get a few hours in before I had to go speak to professors/TAs I kept getting interrupted by noises and things. So I am not lucid. Alsoooooo I just found out my Latin grade and well. Enraged is hardly the term. But I won't talk about it.

I think my paper turned out okay. Of course, this is the first time I've thought that this entire year, so this paper is definitely going to get a lower grade than all the other stupid papers I've written at 3 in the morning that got A's. I hate college. I remember when I wanted to be a professional scholar. I could kill that Ami. Or kill to be her? Whatever.

Oh damn, I wasn't going to talk about it. UMMMM. Today is the 6th! This is not a big deal except that it is to some people. June 6th, 2006: Supposed day of the beast. Does this mean that next July 7th will be a big holy day or something and instead of listening to Slayer, people will listen to Gospel or hymns? I'm confused. IT'S A DAY PEOPLE. It'd only be significant if something HAPPENED. Though! Maybe the antichrist was born today or something and the seeds of the whole thing were laid today instead of being harvested? Uhhh. Stupid metaphors.

One paper until I'm done with this stupid horrible no good academic year. Too bad it was also the best social year of my life. I'm going to miss SEA YAK so bad it's ridiculous. And it's not just them.. it's all my fantastic friends that just couldn't get more fantastic. Troy kids, LJ friends, non-SEA YAK NU people. I get an A+ in choosing awesome friends, can I transfer that grade to my transcript?

Song of the day: Depeche Mode - Dream On Can you feel a little love?

pics: photoshop, music: pimping, school: nu, friends: sea yak, omg emo

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