
Nov 02, 2005 11:18

Holy freaking A. New layout. It's so spiffy! Look, I have friend's birthdays RIGHT THERE! *points to the right* I can buy Nidhi a gift. *contemplates* =P And all the links are right there, and wow. Friends page, LJ announcements, even my latest comments... all at mine FINGERTIPS. *is awed ( Read more... )

work: plaza cafe, friends: lauren

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Comments 14

bitter_crimson November 2 2005, 17:50:10 UTC
I got really confused by your "new layout" statements. I went to your journal and thought, "What? This is the same old layout. What's new?" But eventually I figured you mant a new Browser Scheme, so I switched to XColibur to see what you meant, but no, it was the same. The "My LJ" thing? Is just the portal feature, which they've always had, with maybe a few changes. It always had the birthdays, though, and I believe almost all of the other links. I'm mad that they've now made it so that it automatically shows up in XColibur, though. Feh.

P.S. What did you think of the Fray!cest?


bitter_crimson November 2 2005, 17:50:20 UTC


metalphoenix November 2 2005, 19:30:58 UTC
KFJ:Sldkjfa;slkd ate my comment.

in short: I'm dumb, haven't seen it before, don't have a client

It was cool and believable.. the whole relationship.. I'll tell you more details when we talk.


dragonnite55555 November 2 2005, 22:01:09 UTC
You kept "accidentally" making too much? Schneaky Ami! I don't think I've ever had Chai. Hmm. Oh well. *shrugs*

Geez Ames, way to set a good example. 30 hours awake. And you keep telling me to go to bed! Dame desu yo! I don't think I've ever stayed up even 24 hours...I get too tired, and then just go to bed. When I'm tired, I first go through this hyper stage. Then I get to a "stop keeping me up or I'll break your neck" phase. Then I go to bed. And the world heaves a sigh of relief.

But I actually went to bed at 10:15 yesterday. And I still didn't do my one piece of homework: studying for my history test. Which I think I did fine on anyway.

But the smelled comment reminds me, Emily Lee and Emily Hixon went up to each other and then smelled each other. It was odd. I don't understand my fellow Emilys.

And this almost makes me want to go back and reply to that meme entry. But I won't. For a variety of reasons. But I am now curious about this Lauren.


metalphoenix November 3 2005, 03:01:08 UTC
Yes, I've very bad. ^_^;

I failed in my goal, and went to bed around the 24 hour mark. That's okay, it's much better this way. I'd have been crabby.

See, this is proof that I'm bad for you. On your own, you'd sleep MUCH earlier than you do if I'm around. :(


dragonnite55555 November 3 2005, 03:04:04 UTC
I only went to bed 'cause I was bored. And didn't feel like studying. And actually, I was worse for it. More irritable and tired when I woke up. So you aren't bad for me. SO HA!


mreyeliner November 2 2005, 22:50:27 UTC
I don't get the new layout thing. Am I stupid?


mreyeliner November 2 2005, 22:51:09 UTC
And CHAI is awesome :)


metalphoenix November 3 2005, 03:02:21 UTC


mreyeliner November 3 2005, 04:48:04 UTC


abunchofcrap November 2 2005, 23:40:41 UTC


metalphoenix November 3 2005, 03:02:35 UTC
YAY! Moo?


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