
Sep 11, 2005 01:51

I was tagged. By abunchofcrap. Actually, megalphoenix was tagged, but I'm accepting the tag on his behalf.

Cut because I'm nice. )

posts: meme whoring, friends: troy kids, music: general love

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Comments 21

abunchofcrap September 11 2005, 07:40:22 UTC
OMG, I've lost my playcounts twice, and it's seriously devistating... I have no idea why I'm so addicted to knowing how many times I've played things.
Do you have new iTunes 5? I got scared when I downloaded it the other night, and the volume was in a different place.

I want to see the Lego post. NOW. And every other post. Thanks.

*cries* I've never seen Donnie Darko


metalphoenix September 11 2005, 07:44:37 UTC
It is devestating!! I would have like 100 plays on some songs.. :( Okay, maybe not, but still. It's just so fun to know which songs you play a lot and which songs you rarely play and I want my play counts!!!

I do not have new iTunes.. did it ruin your playcounts? If it did, I'll get it now so I don't have to ruin it again later.

The Lego post might get done if I get a camera. If not, then well, there's really no point.

Donnie Darko is a mind trip. I love it though. You should check it out one day.


abunchofcrap September 11 2005, 09:00:36 UTC
I had my count of Hanson's cover of Dirrty up to about 200 when my play counts got wiped out the first time....
I was a little obsesssed.

No, new iTunes kept playcounts.


abunchofcrap September 11 2005, 09:01:28 UTC
also, wait, maybe it was just for Mac......? Probably not.


rjchasez September 11 2005, 08:34:42 UTC
Hey, dude, can I steal that meme? :p



metalphoenix September 11 2005, 08:36:34 UTC
Absolutely! I like the icon you choose for this comment, by the way. ^_^

Why are you still up?!


rjchasez September 12 2005, 00:31:12 UTC
Thanks. lol

I was up cause I was rping lol



metalphoenix September 12 2005, 04:26:58 UTC
By the way, I've been looking for you online, but I don't know if you've been on RPing sns, cuz I can't find you. I wanted to know if you still wanted that postcard? Because then I need to get your address online. :)


dragonnite55555 September 11 2005, 15:23:06 UTC
#8 -...*blinks* Hey...I think that's true for me, too. *Blinks again* I guess it's just easier to tell LJ people though since you don't have to worry about if it's random or whatever.
#10- How did you portary "spank" in clay? And did they actually get it?
#16- WHAT ABOUT CHEWBACCA?!?!?! I read a Star Wars parody using SM characters.

I have issues with the iTunes play count. I had to make the screen small enough so I can't see it. Otherwise I get all OCD and am all "Must make every song have the same play count." I really don't know why.
You miss being important? You're still important. Because I say you are!


metalphoenix September 11 2005, 21:59:29 UTC
When the chances are you won't see the person while the issue is still really important to you, it's easier to talk to them, I've found. I can spill my secrets to someone I know won't see me the next day, and someone who doesn't know me well enough to notice how I've changed.

I molded a butt and a hand out of clay, and placed the hand on the butt. They got it =P

I was at the dollar store the other day and there were five Star Wars Pez dispensers that I did not have that I was going to buy. But when I went up to the counter, I realized I did not have my wallet. It was sadness. :(

You can always go up to the bar with all the categories and right click it and unselect the play count option. I used to be that way with them, but then I decided I wanted to listen to some songs more.

Now that I have my computer back, you're going to get a whole bunch of mixed CDs from me!!


dragonnite55555 September 11 2005, 23:50:00 UTC
Yep, I can totally rant about how my friends secretly hate me and are trying to covertly change everthing about me from my looks to my music and I won't have to face anybody who cares the next day. Heh heh. jkjkjk. ^_^Although there was that one time with Cindy and that dress I bought, and she actually read that entry...which was kinda embarrassing.
Yeah, I know I can change my iTunes to not show the play count. I just haven't. I'm not exactly sure why though....
But you really don't need to go to all the trouble of making me a CD. I'm sure you have better things to do with your time. Like go hunting for Star Wars pez thingies when you actually have your wallet. Or packing for your second year of college.


metalphoenix September 12 2005, 04:30:29 UTC
I'll make them when I'm in school. And send it with all the stuff I need to send you. :D


bitter_crimson September 11 2005, 15:54:32 UTC
When I got back from my Europe trip I wanted to add all the playcounts for things I had played on iTunes on the laptop to my desktop, so I just did the thing I do where I search for that song, then just drag the play bar to the end the appropriate number of times. Or just click, really. Dragging requires more work.

So yeah, that could be a solution for a small number of songs, but would probably get really, really annoying for a very large number of songs.


metalphoenix September 11 2005, 22:00:30 UTC
Wow, I don't think I'd go that far, but that's a pretty good idea. Your iPod is back now, right?


bitter_crimson September 12 2005, 03:14:22 UTC
Yeah. I reset it and put all the songs back on it, but other than that I haven't used it yet. ...I'm afraid I'm going to break it. :( I have to find a better case or something.


metalphoenix September 12 2005, 04:30:47 UTC
Aww, I hope Beetle III does better.


samadia September 11 2005, 16:54:35 UTC
you're really important to me


metalphoenix September 11 2005, 22:00:45 UTC
<3 Thanks Sameera. :)


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