(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 01:51

I was tagged. By abunchofcrap. Actually, megalphoenix was tagged, but I'm accepting the tag on his behalf.

Write 20 facts about yourself. Tag as many people as the amount of minutes it took you to do.

Started 1:50

1. I tend to break any computer I use. It’s not always my fault.. things like power supplies randomly breaking down and plugs refusing to work happen.
2. I have the beginning of a script for my Lego Adventures picture post written.
3. I probably will never get around to doing said post.
4. I have a lot of random posts flying around in my head that I never will get around to doing.
5. I have a stuffed white tiger named Neo. Yes, because of The Matrix. (this fact courtesy of Kim)
6. I can fall asleep within ten minutes if the sun is shining on my bed. It takes me half an hour to an hour to fall asleep at night.
7. I am going to lie about the time it took me to do this because it will probably be over an hour.
8. There are things I have told LJ people that I haven’t told my closest friends.
9. I’ve barely started packing (I only have half a suitcase of clothes done) and I leave on Tuesday.
10. I once portrayed the word "spank" out of clay in Cranium. (this fact courtesy of Sameera)
11. I strongly dislike the word "moist." It just.. irritates me. I like the "oi" sound though. (this fact also courtesy of Sameera)
12. I made my own glow-in-the-dark putty from Sameera’s science kit. It’s freaking awesome.
13. Northwestern has not lost any game that I have followed online or watched in person.
14. If a song I love comes on, no matter what I’m doing, or who is near me, I must at least lip-sync and bounce my head about. I simply cannot resist.
15. There are some movies I can watch over and over. These include The Matrix, Donnie Darko, Mean Girls, and Bring It On.
16. I have a Star Wars shrine in my cabinet. In it are Star Wars Pez Dispensers: an Ewok, Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper, Anakin Skywalker, C-3P0; Taco Bell Value Meal toys: Darth Maul Racer, Tatooine fighting Jedi globe, floating Watto, hovering air ship, pod racer, one of those morph cube things; the Pepsi Episode 1 promotion cans: not listing them all.. about 20; and random Star Wars paraphernalia like pens, boxes that make up the landscape of Tatooine and a moving Qui-Gon Jinn bank. I realize this fact would better fit in that “how are you a dork” meme I did a few posts ago.
17. I recently went through all my entries and added tags to most of them.
18. I just heard a really loud tire screech outside.
19. I have a bunch of craft materials in my drawers in case I ever decide to start a project. I never will.
20. The left side of my hair turns out nice when I do my hair, but the right side refuses to be managable.

Finished 1:51

Look, I finished in a minute!! *cough* I guess I only have to tag one person then. I tag eckeltricity because she likes to be tagged. For some weird reason. But anyone can take it if they want to! I tag all of you because it actually took me an hour!

Today I had breakfast with Erin!! She had come down from school and made plans with me. We went to Ram's Horn. She even paid for me, out of some weird desire to do something for my birthday. =P She told me at breakfast that she hadn't been on LJ in ages though. :x!! That is not acceptable! Then we came to my house and played Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on my GameCube. WE RULE.

I'm converting all the m4a files I have on my computer to mp3s. The best way to update my iTunes is to probably just clear out my whole library and re-load them all. But that means all my play counts will go away. Which most of them will anyway because they're all m4as. *sigh* That's twice I'm going to do that.

I'm so not tired at all. I think this is going to be an all-nighter, or close to it. I'm probably going to spend it reading or writing more of that post that I'm never going to finish.

I miss being important. Whatever that means.

posts: meme whoring, friends: troy kids, music: general love

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