
Jul 16, 2005 19:01

I've been tagged and didn't respond to many things, and now I think I'll do them. If I missed something in which you tagged me, tell me and I'll do it. If you want to do any of them, consider yourselves tagged. Also, a new one, for fun, yay!

Tagged by mariposa12386
My six favorite (ehh, not really.. just ones I really like) songs and something about each ( Read more... )

music: pimping, posts: meme whoring, music: general love

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Comments 12

I am smitten with you abunchofcrap July 17 2005, 05:22:37 UTC
I love your musics, except I've never heard the Abney Park so I download. Whee!


Re: I am smitten with you metalphoenix July 17 2005, 05:53:46 UTC
You and I have such similar tastes! Yay Lauren rules :) I noticed I didn't link your journal, I just said your name, up there with Bree. This amused me because most people would still know who you were.

Did you like it??


abunchofcrap July 17 2005, 07:32:42 UTC
I realized that I should do the other meme too, and I picked a name at random

tell me about


abunchofcrap July 17 2005, 07:33:04 UTC
I give up


metalphoenix July 17 2005, 17:16:34 UTC
Hehe, it's lj user with no dash. But that's okay. office_hussy is my friend Sheree! She's cool. She introduced me to drinking coffee type drinks, I never did before. She also gives me a lot of good books to read and she works at Borders and gives me a discount. She drives a cool red convertible but apparently she doesn't like it at all.


ilovegoogle July 17 2005, 20:35:06 UTC
I pick choconilla


metalphoenix July 19 2005, 02:38:40 UTC
That is Shabana! Shabana hasn't written an entry in forever. Evil. But, she was in my bio class Senior year. Super cool. I believe she was obsessed with HP. She dislikes college, last I heard.


this_door July 19 2005, 13:39:02 UTC


metalphoenix July 19 2005, 19:02:30 UTC
That would be Kristin! I met her in Science Club at Athens. She's a year younger than me and she is going to UofM next year. One time at her house I accidently ate some shrimp and she got really upset about it because she thought it was her fault. But it wasn't. And.. um. She's cool :)


dragonnite55555 July 24 2005, 16:43:11 UTC
Yay. I've never heard of any of those songs before. But I'm not surprised since this is me.
And for the username on...ummm...little_samurai just 'cause that's a cool name.


metalphoenix July 27 2005, 18:23:50 UTC
Well, did you download any of them? You should! I'll reload them for you if they've expired.

little_samurai would be Mike, my friend from Tennessee. He doesn't use that name anymore though. I found him through a similar interest in the Legend of Zelda and added him after I read a few of his entries. We became fast friends. He was in a couple bands, I don't know how that's going though. He has a girlfriend in Canada that he recently visited which is cool. He's starting college this year. Yay, Mike :)

Oh! And the cat in this icon is his friend's cat. I stole the picture from his band website.


dragonnite55555 July 27 2005, 21:06:38 UTC
No, I didn't download any of them. Mostly 'cause when I try, something normally goes wrong, and it doesn't work. And I have no reason to believe my luck has changed. So I'm cool.
And the cat in my icon is a transformed Beast Boy from Teen Titans trying to get Starfire to forgive him by being all cute for accidentally springing a joke trap on her that was meant for Cyborg and not even saying sorry afterwards. Wheee...long sentence.


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