(no subject)

Jul 16, 2005 19:01

I've been tagged and didn't respond to many things, and now I think I'll do them. If I missed something in which you tagged me, tell me and I'll do it. If you want to do any of them, consider yourselves tagged. Also, a new one, for fun, yay!

Tagged by mariposa12386
My six favorite (ehh, not really.. just ones I really like) songs and something about each one: (I added yousendit links to most.. if they get old just comment and I'll re-upload; Some of them are WMA files because I had to rip them from CD.. sorry. I really wish I had my laptop with all my iTunes... I'd go nuts with links)


Tagged by office_hussy
Post five things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/bloodpressure/anxiety level? Post it in your journal, and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post theirs.


1. Silence by Delerium featuring Sarah McLachlan - This song is just beautiful. It's my absolute favorite. The way her voice and mingle with the music is outstanding.

2. Ice by Sarah McLachlan - I had a hard time just picking one Sarah song.. because I like so many of them. I decided on this one because it's not like many of her mainstream songs.. but a lot like what Fumbling Towards Ecstasy sounds like. Fear was almost picked just for the vocal range she has in the song and because it's my favorite, but I decided on this one as an intro.

3. Wonderwall by Oasis - This song is fantastic. It's got amazing music and lyrics that can fit into so much. I used some of the lyrics on the banners of my current layout. There's also a Buffy vid to it by Xandra (her website is gone.. ask me if you want to see it) that almostmaybe made me understand Xander/Willow shippers. THAT is the power of this song. Another vid to this song is by obsessive24 of Jack and Tru from Tru Calling. That vid plus the others on the site are fantastic. I urge you to go see it. Sadly I don't have the mp3 of it, curse my laptop once more!

4. My December by Linkin Park - I love this song. So different from most of their stuff, which I too love, but still fantastic. It's softer and haunting. The piano does it.

5. Smitten by Bree Sharp - Lauren, abunchofcrap, got me into Bree Sharp. Now I love her. She's got an amazing voice, and her lyrics are just the right type of humor with seriousness. There are a lot of songs I love by her, but I choose this one because of the way she says "smitten." If you like this song, I strongly suggest going to her site and clicking on the "Living Room Lounge" bottlecap icon. She's got five others up there.

6. Breathe by Abney Park - Tell you the truth? The lead singer advertised this song in buffy_addicts. It's really really good though. And it's not obviously about Buffy.. only because I've told you would you get the other meaning. It's got that haunting feel to it again. If you like this song, go to the Abney Park vault I've linked in their name and download some of their other stuff. I recommend the Christmas Carols.. creepy.

6.5. Okay, okay, I know you all know how much I love Sarah. But the thing is, I really love Sarah. And I really wanted to rec this song, but I didn't want to have half of the songs up there related to her somehow, so this is a bonus. Dear God is an amazing song. It's a completely different feel, but the lyrics are moving. Though maybe slightly controversial. If you're easily offended by people doubting God, well.. avoid.

You're so lucky I had to stop at 6 (and a half) or I'd go on and on. You're double lucky I don't have access to my iTunes or I'd go even more on.


1) Settling down with a big bowl of popcorn, some Cherry Coke, and a good movie/show
2) Taking a nap where I'm half day-dreaming, half-real dreaming
3) Propping myself up on some pillows and enjoying a book without getting that annoying tingly feeling in my arms from resting funny
4) Blasting the music and singing along at the top of my voice complete with head movements and an occasional air guitar
5) Um.. playing with string? I do this at night, making the Jacob's Ladder over and over again until I fall asleep.

And here's one for YOU!

Gacked from rjchasez
1.) Go to my user info page.
2.) Pick one person on my friends list you're curious about.
3.) Comment with their username.
4.) And I will tell all about them (I reserve the right to determine what constitutes "tell all about them").
5.) Now post this in your journal, see who is curious about whom.

music: pimping, posts: meme whoring, music: general love

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