I'm so glad that the
grammarpolice community exists. It's like my nitpickiness about grammar and punctuation, but magnified by six thousand and made into a community! And they know so much more than me :D Reading through it is like reading Strunk & White, only cooler because it's written by the internet.
Also makes me self-conscious about my word choice and
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Comments 2
That, and a bunch about how it was such a great opportunity to educate and they totally failed, and pointing out the ways that the journalism led to negative connotations, and their word choice was sucky, not to mention that the "He was actually a she!" caption is wrong because, uh, no, he was a he, and he still is a he, and he likely has always been a he.
So basically they misgendered a transguy and then slammed him. And then lumped transpeople in with perverts and drug addicts!
Stellar journalism. I'm sure you can tell I'm thrilled.
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