Title: The Gift Pairing(s): JB/JR Rating: NC17 Warning(s): Smoking, alcohol, prostitution Summary: Jinyoung's housemates order him an escort for his 21st birthday, however things don't go as smoothly as they'd expected.
'Because I met someone who was more important than the money.' and 'I could barely go one night without thinking about you.' and 'Be careful, I might never leave.'
-flails- Ah, Jaebum saying cheesy things so casually... <3
Thanks for another great read~ *o* If you're ever in need of a beta, I volunteer.
I'll keep you in mind! Had way too many embarrassing moments where I've posted something and looked at it a week later to find half the chapter pasted in the wrong place and a thousand spelling mistakes urgh.
I have no idea why I feel Jaebum would say cheesy things but hey-ho in both of my JJP fics he's been either sleep deprived or doused in alcohol hahaha Thank you for reading <3 If you have any prompts you wanna share please go ahead because I'm stuck for inspiration at the moment :(
Comments 7
this was so cute and hot, i'm
There are a lot of little things I liked but:
'Because I met someone who was more important than the money.'
'I could barely go one night without thinking about you.'
'Be careful, I might never leave.'
-flails- Ah, Jaebum saying cheesy things so casually... <3
Thanks for another great read~ *o*
If you're ever in need of a beta, I volunteer.
I have no idea why I feel Jaebum would say cheesy things but hey-ho in both of my JJP fics he's been either sleep deprived or doused in alcohol hahaha
Thank you for reading <3 If you have any prompts you wanna share please go ahead because I'm stuck for inspiration at the moment :(
If I have any prompt ideas I'll be sure to let you know.
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