Jensen/Jared kink series, 4/8 - 'When I see you smile', PG.

May 26, 2007 03:16

This was my first ever fic, which explains the innocence and lack of porn! I wrote it as a one-shot, and the series developed around it later.

Title: 'When I see you smile'
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, references to past Jared/Sandy
Rating: PG - mild sexual references
Disclaimer: I own nothing and nobody, more's the pity.
Word count: 940
Summary: an airport reunion reminds Jared of his good fortune.

Original author's notes, preserved for posterity ;-)

*uses flailing, hell-in-a-handcart icon*

OK, I have no idea where this suddenly came from. I've never written fanfic of any kind before, and never thought I would! But this scenario just popped into my head as I was getting ready for bed (at 3am), and wouldn't let me sleep.

So, at 6.30am, here it is. Completely unbetaed, and posted fast before I can reconsider and chicken out - please do point out any mistakes you notice. And please tell me whether it's good enough to post to communities, or whether I should just let it stagnate in my little corner of LJ.

Note: I'm aware that this is a cliched set-up, but on this subject I really am writing what I know! After surviving a two-year trans-Atlantic relationship, I have plenty of experience with happy airport reunions. The title is from a favourite song of mine, which I've uploaded along with the lyrics at the end.

Chronologically, this comes fourth in the series. Previous parts:

Part 1: In my command
Part 2: Not given lightly
Part 3: My hands are tied


When I see you smile

Standing in the arrivals hall at Vancouver airport, absently watching the overhead monitors, Jared felt a distinct sense of déjà vu. How often had he waited here for Sandy to come through those sliding doors; how often had he gathered her into his arms and swung her about, as they both laughed joyously?

His slight smile at the memory of those happy times faded as he contemplated their decline. His reunions with Sandy had become less frequent and less carefree, though, as the relationship had slowly deteriorated. Distance had inevitably taken its toll, along with Sandy’s frustration with her less successful career. By the time of her last visit, six months ago now, they’d both been going through the motions.

The end had soon followed, leaving Jared free to contemplate his growing feelings for Jensen with a clear conscience. He had never considered himself to be gay, and having romantic (and sexual) thoughts about his co-star rather took him by surprise. Jared already knew that Jensen was bisexual, however, and he hoped that he hadn’t misinterpreted the way that his friend sometimes looked at him.

It had still taken weeks to gather his courage, afraid of the consequences if he got it all wrong. A lot of whiskey was consumed in Jared’s hotel room one evening before Jared finally dared to confess his attraction to Jensen. Jensen had just looked at him for a long moment, then smiled in a way that concealed nothing and promised everything.

When Jensen leaned across and kissed him, Jared had felt an unexpected sense of rightness as well as an intense level of desire. The rest of the night had passed in a tangle of too-long limbs, exquisite new sensations, and comfortable familiarity with being in each other’s personal space.

This summer hiatus had been their longest separation since their relationship had developed, with Jensen doing that play down in Fort Worth and Jared staying in Vancouver to play that wacky painter. It had hurt far more than Jared had expected to be apart from Jensen for so many weeks. They had called and emailed, of course, but Jared was now so accustomed to Jensen’s almost constant presence that he missed him in a physical way. And, yes, he was feeling the physical effects of enforced celibacy too; despite being new to the whole gay love thing, he had quickly found sex with Jensen to be utterly addictive...


Jared was shocked out of his suddenly R-rated daydreaming by the impatient snapping of fingers right in his face. Refocusing on the here and now, he was surprised and delighted to see Jensen standing before him - looking weary, but still unbelievably handsome.

Jensen smirked and said, 'Hey, Jay. You back with me now?' Jared met Jensen’s mocking smile with a wide grin, and threw his arms around his lover. 'Yeah, I’m with you now', he murmured into Jensen’s ear as he pulled him close, 'and I want to kiss you so damn bad'. Jensen replied, 'God, me too' in a heartfelt whisper, before quickly putting some distance between them and punching Jared’s shoulder in an appropriately manly fashion.

This was proving to be the hardest part of falling for his co-star; Jared was by nature demonstrative, and struggled to hide his newfound feelings for Jensen in public. But obviously they had to be discreet, for the sake of the show and their careers, so he and Jensen couldn’t re-enact Jared and Sandy’s exuberant reunions of old. Whereas other people at the airport had generally regarded those PDAs with envious glances or approving smiles, he and Jensen risked being photographed and having their private happiness plastered all over the Internet and in trashy tabloids.

So, reverting by necessity to 'just good friends’ mode, Jared slung Jensen’s bag over his shoulder and led the way out to his truck. He forced himself to keep to a casual pace as they walked across the parking lot, asking Jensen about his flight and laughing at his bitching about the extreme temperature difference between Texas and Vancouver.

Fortunately Jared was parked in the far corner of the lot, and there weren’t any other vehicles nearby. When they were safely inside the truck, away from prying eyes for a stolen moment, Jared reached for Jensen with a sigh of relief. Jensen was unconsciously mirroring his actions, and they connected half-way for a sweet, almost chaste kiss.

In those first few seconds, they needed only to touch lips and share breath to be renewed and reminded. Then Jared’s hand sought out Jensen’s hair, almost on autopilot, and Jensen reached up to caress Jared’s cheek. The first gentle touch of Jensen’s fingertips on his skin made Jared inhale sharply, and he felt a much-missed jolt of electricity through his body as their tongues met and the kiss deepened. Jared had never appreciated kissing anyone else like this; Jensen’s full lips and clever tongue against his could arouse him to an incredible degree.

Unwillingly pulling back, mindful of their surroundings, Jared smiled across at his lover. God, Jensen looked beautiful with his mouth slick from kissing, his cheeks flushed and his hair slightly mussed. Jared couldn’t help but think of other activities that could make Jensen look that way...and damn, he really had to get them safely inside a hotel room ASAP.

Jensen smiled back at him, tired but happy, and rested his hand on Jared’s knee. 'Take me home, Jared', he said quietly, 'and I’ll show you just how much I missed you'. Jared started the truck, and thought to himself that painful separation was almost worth it for the anticipation of a joyous reunion.


Part 5: Home again


Bic Runga is a female singer from New Zealand. This song is very simple and short, but beautiful - and very apt for this story:

Bic Runga - When I See You Smile

When I see you smile
It feels like I'm falling
It's not for anybody else to know
The way your face could light the bitter dark of every street
In every town I'll ever go
It's not for anybody else to know
For anybody else to know

When I see you smile
First thing in the morning
It raises curtains on your lazy eyes
Could it be that you and I have the greatest love to ever be
How could this have ever been before?
It's not for anybody else to know
For anybody else to know

When Friday night arrives
We'll let it pass outside the door
This is not for anybody else
Anybody else to know.

music, fic

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