The Heart You Call Home (Arthur/Merlin, R)

May 08, 2014 01:00

Art Prompt Title: Prompt 1018
Art link: Art Masterlist
Artist: fuckyeah

Fic Title: The Heart You Call Home
Author: alby_mangroves
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R
Word Count: 16K+
Warnings: Depression, angst, survivor guilt, mention of an unsuccessful past suicide attempt

Summary: Yet another autumn wanes and Merlin is tired. He wishes he could sleep ( Read more... )

!round 2, pairing: arthur/merlin, rating: r

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Comments 2

unbidden_truth May 7 2014, 15:12:25 UTC
Wait---I didn't know you were writing for this! *grabby hands* Saving it to read sometime this week :) And wow, Tempy's gif set is fabulous!


alby_mangroves May 8 2014, 13:04:40 UTC
Isn't it gorgeous? I absolutely love it (and thanks for your enthusiasm!<3)


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