The Heart You Call Home (Arthur/Merlin, R)

May 08, 2014 01:00

Art Prompt Title: Prompt 1018
Art link: Art Masterlist
Artist: fuckyeah

Fic Title: The Heart You Call Home
Author: alby_mangroves
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: R
Word Count: 16K+
Warnings: Depression, angst, survivor guilt, mention of an unsuccessful past suicide attempt

Summary: Yet another autumn wanes and Merlin is tired. He wishes he could sleep through it, cover himself in leaves and hibernate until the world crumbles to dust, and he with it, the point of anything long since gone.
And then, he finds a book whose author writes stories he doesn’t remember are his own.

!round 2, pairing: arthur/merlin, rating: r

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