As the final challenge has been posted I thought it would be time to post sign-ups for the next round.
I'll post the first challenge once the current results have been announced and as soon as we have 20 or so people signed up. If you're interested, please make sure that you have read the
rules carefully and then comment to this post with your username (and the secret phrase). It would also help to
join or
friend the community so you don't miss any challenges. Remember that if you participate you will be required to enter all challenges unless you are voted out or if you use a skip.
Contestants of all skill levels are welcome and encouraged!
01 -
reallyally02 -
nasirah03 -
orangelusik04 -
castros05 -
sparkly_cracker06 -
nyaza07 -
visionsbeyond (extra skip)
08 -
loonilicious09 -
midsummerly10 -
sallyna_smile11 -
daughterofeve4712 -
setentpet (extra skip)
13 -
beeej14 -
lessrest (extra skip)
15 -
mattyroh0716 -
yelloerainboe (extra skip)
17 -
hermionesparkle18 -
_stolendreams_19 -
one_dreamery20 -
i_is_for_icon21 -
sarisafari22 -
narniacmr23 -
24 -
25 -
Note: your comment will be deleted once you've been added to the list :)
Skips: all participants will enter with one skip. To earn an extra skip you can promote the community in a public post (communities or personal journals are fine) and then comment back here with a link to that post. Extra skips can be earned up until one day prior to the voting for the first challenge being posted. Participants can use their skips up until there are six contestants remaining.
For those who participated or watched the previous round please let me know if you have any suggestions/critiques/pictures for future challenges. All comments will be screened and I'm very hard to offend so please let me know if anything has been bugging you and I'll try to work your suggestions and improvements into the new round.