Round THREE - Challenge #14

Apr 21, 2010 18:43

This is a challenge for princess_narnia and sophie_lizzie only.

There are three sections, each outlined more fully below. Please let me know if you have any questions about what is required.

Section A: Free Choice
Go crazy - you can icon anything from the show, the only stipulation being that it's from the show (so the actors must be in character, and can't just be fooling around on set) and that the icon must fit LJ standards. Promo pics are allowed. Animation is not allowed, textures/brushes etc are.

Section B: Panel icon
You must make an icon that has two different 'panels' displaying two different scenes. You may not use promo pics for this icon. Animation is not allowed, textures/brushes etc are. Note that these can be horizontal or vertical panels. The panels must show different scenes, and not a repetition, so for example, this would be accepted, but this would not. Other examples include (by me):

Section C: New header
Credit a new header for merlinlims. The size must be 750x300. You can choose any colour scheme you like, I'll redo the site to match the winning banner. The only stipulation is that it must say Merlin LIMS somewhere on the banner - anything else is up to you. Promo pics as well as screencaps from the show are allowed.

Deadline: Wednesday 5 May, 10 PM PST.
Need to enter: princess_narnia
Have entered: sophie_lizzie
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