2012: Writer Sign-Up Post! (CLOSED)

May 07, 2012 19:20

Rules for writers

01. Stories must be 10,000 words minimum.
02. Stories can be slash, het or gen and any rating.
03. The central story element must focus on the actors of Merlin.
04. AUs and crossovers are allowed.
05. Stories must be written for this challenge, old works cannot be recycled.
06. Stories cannot be posted anywhere before the assigned posting date.
07. Stories can be posted where the author chooses, eg. a journal, website or archive.
08. Stories must be posted unlocked.
08. Stories must be stand-alones, they cannot end in TBC.
09. Sequels to previously written stories are allowed as long as they are stand-alones.
10. Stories must be beta'd.


June 7th » Sign-ups close.

September 15th » Rough story drafts are due: writers must hand in a complete first story draft of 10,000 words minimum, along with the final story title, rating, warnings, pairings and a summary.

September 20th » Claims day: story titles and summaries are posted anonymously for artists to pick as prompts on a first come, first served basis.

November 1st » The assigned, staggered posting schedule begins!


Full '12 Schedule & FAQ // Challenge Banners & Icons

Sign me up!

To sign up as a writer please comment with the following:

LJ/writer name:
Will you most likely be writing slash/het/gen?
Pairing(s) feat. in your story will most likely be (if any)?
Anything else?

Let the party begin! :)

2012: sign-ups

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