Challenge Schedule & FAQ

May 07, 2012 19:20

2012 Challenge Schedule

Sign-ups open (artists & writers): May 7th
Sign-ups close (writers): June 7th
Sign-ups close (artists): September 10th
Rough drafts due (writers): September 15th
Artist Claims: September 20th
Rough drafts due (artists): October 20th
Posting begin: November 1st

[2012 Challenge Schedule: Extended Edition]2012 Challenge Schedule: Extended Edition

Every run has a few first-time BigBangers among the participants, so here is a more detailed version of how our Big Bang works.

On September 15th, writers must hand in a completed rough draft of their story (send to moonilicious at gmail dot com). What does 'completed rough draft' mean? It means that the draft must be at least 10,000 words in length and have a beginning, middle and end. Handing in the draft cements your participation; there's no pulling out after that point.

Along with the draft the writers must hand in the following information: story title, pairings, rating, warnings, summary. On September 20th aka Artist Claims Day, this information will be posted anonymously, that is without author names attached, and the artists get to pick stories to do art for on a first come, first served basis.

Note: Should we end up with less artists than writers, we hope some artists won't mind doing art for more than one story (expect a frantic "omg halp!" entry if that happens). Should we end up with more artists than writers some stories will get two artists.

What happens once artists and writers have been paired up? Artists will be given their writer's contact details to get in touch with them. Writers are expected to send their artist the draft of their story. It's up to the writer/artist pairs how closely they collaborate but collaboration is definitely encouraged!

While the artists work on their stuff the writers have time to flesh out their stories if needed and edit/polish them to perfection. ;) The rough art drafts are due on October 20th.

Posting begins on November 1st. How many stories go live per day will depend on the number of participants. Whether the writer includes the art in the story or links to their artist's art post in their story pimp here at merlinbb_rpf is up to the writer/artist pairs; separate art pimps are welcome!


What is the aim of this challenge?

For writers: produce stories of 10,000 words minimum.
For artists: produce artwork to go along with their writer's story.

What's allowed?

We accept slash, het and gen, all ratings. AUs are allowed. Crossovers with other fandoms are acceptable as long as the main focus remains on the actors of Merlin. (So if you ever wanted to introduce Bradley and Colin to Dean and Cas from Supernatural for example, go for it!)

What else do I need to know?

All works must be created for this challenge, old works cannot be recycled. All stories must be complete, they cannot end in To Be Continued. Writers can submit a sequel to a previously written work but the story must be a stand-alone. Works can be posted wherever the author/artist prefers (eg. their journal, website, or an archive) but they must be publicly accessible.

Can I write AND make art?

Starting out you will have to pick one or the other. In the event that we have more writers than artists there will be a second call for artists allowing writers to sign up. If we have more artists than writers, artists without a story will be allowed to pick prompts that have already been picked up. This way every writer should have at least one artist to work with!

SOS! I'm a writer and won't be around on September 15th/20th.

We still need your story and disclaimer by September 15th at the latest. If you're going on vacation and have no way of sending in your draft from there, you can send it in sooner of course! Should you be out of touch on/after September 20th please let us know and we will send your story to your artist for you so that they can get started asap. We do hope that no one will be out of touch for too long after September 20th, however, since that would be unfair to the artist who will want to talk to you about what they have planned/what you expect.

SOS! I'm an artist and won't be around on September 20th.

Due to the 'first come, first served' nature of claiming this is a lot more complicated but shouldn't keep anyone from participating. Just make sure to let us know asap if you won't be around on September 20th so that we figure out how to handle this.

Please leave a comment if you have any further questions. :)

2012: faq & schedule

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