MINIBANG: sign-ups are open!

Feb 01, 2012 11:42

The MINIBANG is a go! :D

Your Mission

- Write at least 3,000 words, and/or
- create at least one piece of art.

There's a bit more info about how this is going to work in the announcement entry.

Dates to Remember

February 20th: sign-ups close
April 20th: confirm participation
April 30th: posting begins

Signing Up

Please copy/paste the following into a comment and fill it out.

I'm participating as a writer or artist
When LJ goes down you can reach me at email

We will have a few random check-ins along the way to see how everyone is doing. :)

eta; Here are some answers to a couple of questions that have come up.

- Yes, you can write more than one story for this challenge! You can also sign up to write and create art. It hadn't occurred to us that someone might want to, but the more fanworks this challenge produces, the better, right? :D

- If you aren't sure yet whether you want to write or create art that's perfectly alright! Just put undecided in the sign-up form and let us know on the 20th of April what you went with.
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