I was so pleased to find a flashfic comm for this fandom - hello all! I like to delurk with fic, so here it is:
Title: Chrysalis
Rating: R
Words: ~2,800
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Notes: For the Transformation challenge. Thank you to elfwhistletree for another ace beta in yet another fandom.
Summary: Transformation isn't painless
It is perfectly dark. Arthur can't move and he can't breathe. )
Comments 21
Cheers for feeding back *g*
i've thought about it a bit, though, and i think my confusion here was really arthur's-i mean, i'm familiar with the traditional canon, it's just that you've placed the reader so far into arthur's head here that as he's adrift, so must we be. all of which is to say that the weave does come together at the end of the piece, and a reread clarifies the ambiguities, so well done!
and reexamining this, i adore the language, my god. “It has been and shall be,” he murmured, almost in a whisper, a penetrating gaze from his glowing eyes transfixing Arthur with an unexpected rush of heat through his belly. “Oh have I sorely missed you, liege.” the eyes (and homoeroticism!) of the show, the language of legend: this sentence pairs them perfectly. and arthur's glad countenance could be right out of malory.
and then this! Merlin tends him carefully - Merlin serves me, Arthur thinks, distractedly, then: ( ... )
I'm delighted that you enjoyed this, thank you so much for letting me know *g*
In the original legend, after the last battle, Arthur doesn't die but sleeps under a hill (with an army of knights) so that he can return again in England's darkest hour, or some such. Perhaps in this fic the hill is Stonehenge? Also it is Merlin's role to look after while he is sleeping, but he has been distracted, perhaps by Nimue?
And then there are cuts to the new canon version, which are perhaps an alternate or parallel reality, or a dream masterminded by Merlin while Arthur is sleeping, or something like that. And there's sexual tension between the two of them, and Merlin living backwards, and knowing a lot more than he lets on and DESTINY, but no chained up dragon!
It is indeed intricate and not explicitly explained, but I think that style fits rather well with the whole myth and magic world view.
Hope that makes some sense - Halo, please tell me if I've missed anything important :-)
Essentially I'm using the 'traditional' canon as elfwhistletree has outlined above. My idea is that the reality we see in the TV series is actually a dream Merlin has given to Arthur whilst Arthur sleeps underground, awaiting his return at England's hour of greatest need. Merlin has also become lost in the dream, allowing his long-held love for Arthur to overwhelm him now that suddenly he has a chance to indulge it. However, because Merlin loses himself, Arthur awakes and Merlin must send him to sleep again.
The segments go in order: reality, dream, the past, reality, dream, the past etc
Hope that's a little clearer *g*
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