
Nov 25, 2011 01:27

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Comments 13

golden_meliades November 25 2011, 11:19:47 UTC
Congrats on your 'grown-up' accomplishments ( ... )


merimask November 25 2011, 18:41:24 UTC
Instant mashed potatoes aren't that bad if you make them correctly. :) I keep them on hand 'cause when Kiba's tummy gets oogy, it's one thing he can eat. That dog is such a delicate flower.

I think Char initially became a vegetarian because she's a bleeding heart and PETA horrified her with awful pictures once, a long time ago. I guess she's decided that if she eats meat off MY plate, I'm assuming all the moral responsibility for that meat being there. Perhaps.


golden_meliades November 25 2011, 19:24:08 UTC
Our dogs eat oatmeal. They LOVE it and it never makes them sick (they only get it if they are sick or if the dog food ran out through bad planning...we don't get out dog food in town ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

merimask November 25 2011, 18:42:54 UTC
Leftovers are the best part of Thanksgiving IMO. :)

I do feel weird for being morose while she's actually ~home~. :/ Hopefully I'll get used to this.


mister_valiant November 25 2011, 13:48:16 UTC
JUST ONCE I'd like a stress-free Turkey Day.

Not to say that our first T-Day away from home wasn't successful. We picked up turkey legs that just took a little while in the oven, baked potatoes in a Pasta Boat and microwaved canned green beans to heat them up. The only thing made from scratch was the pumpkin pie, which Kaitlin made mostly just for me, and even though she got the wrong kind of crust and burned it, it was still fine, particularly with a bunch of Cool Whip on it (as it is written). We ate while watching Tangled. It was GREAT.

BUT NOW, we have to spend our weekend driving several hours on end, making sure we see all our relatives. THIS is the big stressor for this holiday, to me, because I don't want to miss anyone.


merimask November 25 2011, 18:45:06 UTC
Holidays make people feel so... ~obligated~ to do certain things and it just makes the whole thing no fun. It's better when you can start your own family traditions (like ours where no one gets out of PJs until after dinner and we all enjoy stuffing from a box).


golden_meliades November 25 2011, 19:26:32 UTC
I've had homemade stuffing and boxed stuffing. Boxed stuffing is BETTER. I like the really dense chewy texture of it. Homemade is fluffier, which is like eating bread-flavoured air, kinda.


moonphased November 25 2011, 18:32:12 UTC
*L* Man, I wish my Turkey day was that stress-free. I like to think I'm pretty laid-back even when hosting things... but I guess any time you host anything at your own place, it becomes a carnival no matter how small it is. This year it was just my sister's family but they have an almost-two-year-old, who is, well, an almost-two-year-old. Who gets into things, runs around, and screams and cries while being cute the whole time. XD In all, there were five people, three dogs, two guinea pigs... and a partridge in a pear tree. Plus my brother-in-law and I do all the cooking. Tried to keep it as simple as possible, but... yeah... simple never ends up being simple. *LOL ( ... )


merimask November 25 2011, 18:47:54 UTC
You know...I love the idea of family all coming together. But if one (or two) people have to do ALL the work, it's too stressful. I think if I had a big family, I'd have the meal catered so we could actually enjoy the visit, you know?

As it is, everyone in my family is scattered to the four winds and Mom went to see my sister in Florida this year, so it's only us chickens here and that's just fine. Nice and simple.


moonphased November 25 2011, 19:07:57 UTC
Hehe, I love family coming together, too. I just don't think I ever realized how much of an EVENT it is when it's... actually YOUR OWN place that they gather at! XD Last year we had Christmas at our place, and it was my sister's fam, plus my parents, but I think without all the cooking it was a little more sane. *L*

I am totally with you on catering. Or potlucks. We were driving around in Manhattan Beach to find some last-minute stuff for dinner, and there were a lot of folks picking up catered dinners. They were probably the smart ones. XD

Not to say it wasn't successful and a good time, though. Just EXHAUSTING. There were lots of adult drinks being made yesterday. XD Mimosas first thing in the morning. 'Twas awesome!


merimask November 25 2011, 19:25:00 UTC
Hey, my brother lives in Manhattan Beach (on the Strand)...if I ever go there for a visit I'll let you know so we can get together. :)


My Favorite Sweet Potato Pie Recipe nixxfey November 26 2011, 06:07:08 UTC
I didn't really like Sweet Potatoes till a friend of mine gave me this recipe.

Sweet Potato Pie
3 cups Sweet Potatoes (or 2 large cans)
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Butter
2 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla
1/3 c Milk

1/3 c Melted Butter
1 c Light Brown Sugar
1/2 c Flour
1 c Pecans (optional)

Cook fresh sweet potatoes or open and drain canned
Blend / mix together the sweet potatoes, sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla, and milk Pour into baking dish

For Topping
Mix butter, brown sugar, flour and pecans

Sprinkle topping over sweet potato mix in baking dish and bake for 25 - 30 minutes at 350 degrees
Serves 10 - 12


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