Fall has fallen

Nov 14, 2011 16:01

Wow...every darn leaf on my street decided to give up the ghost over the weekend.  Add wind and rain and you have a mess that just kept...happening and happening.  Over and over again.  I raked the lawn and cleared the drive at least five times, six if you include the touch up I had to do today.  Well, at least it appears to be done.

I've been so ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

kelkyag November 14 2011, 23:31:50 UTC
Pretty kitties! The Persian kitsune is nifty, too.

Does Char still think it's her room? Are you trying to make it into a useful guest room? Would recruiting Char to help with the cleanup while she's home be useful? It's very reasonable to want the room to be usable while Char is at college, but it may be very disconcerting to her to have things rearranged or thrown away with no input. :-/


merimask November 15 2011, 05:02:41 UTC
I went up there and took a good, critical look around. 99% of the clutter is just that; clutter and stuff she hasn't touched in years. It can be organized into "stuff to store" and "stuff to donate", and the rest can be just put away neatly on shelves. I'm probably not getting rid of much...I just need to neaten it up and cull the clothing (she has things in drawers that haven't been worn in years).

Apparently, she is very neat at college and is keeping her dorm room in good shape. So I think we just need to simplify things here at home too.

I've tried cleaning it with her help so many times...she really has no interest. :/ I think I just need to do it so when she gets home, it's as nice and clean as her dorm...but with her books and trinkets and games all there of course.


kelkyag November 15 2011, 05:54:28 UTC
Sense! It's a lot easier to keep things neat when there's less stuff, and I imagine she didn't take nearly as much with her to college as she'd accumulated, especially stray things rather than useful objects.

Good luck!


golden_meliades November 15 2011, 15:07:15 UTC
I really hate painting hairsticks white. It takes FOREVER and usually ends up clumpy because of all the coats you have to do. >[ (You use higher quality paints than I do so that might not be an issue but I find white is the worst for clumping anyway.) Most hairsticks I've done white have ended up being thrown out. Even spray paint doesn't work well, in white. It's only good on walls, it seems ( ... )


merimask November 15 2011, 20:09:05 UTC
White is just so much work. Some things simply have to be white, but I cringe at every proposed white mask design. It's always so much work and yet, no one wants to pay more for all that additional time. *sigh*

Char's really bad at culling her stuff. We all are to a degree, but she's especially bad at it. It requires boxes and an eye towards not keeping EVERYthing (which is what my mom did). Because we don't need to open a museum, we just need some mementos from childhood (a few beloved toys, dolls, books) and everything else gets donated. Because it is not loved. She obviously hasn't touched most of that stuff for years.


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