Fall has fallen

Nov 14, 2011 16:01

Wow...every darn leaf on my street decided to give up the ghost over the weekend.  Add wind and rain and you have a mess that just kept...happening and happening.  Over and over again.  I raked the lawn and cleared the drive at least five times, six if you include the touch up I had to do today.  Well, at least it appears to be done.

I've been so busy with new masks that I haven't been sharing here in LJ Land.  My bad!  Here's a custom order for a Black & White Persian Cat that I finished over the weekend (between raking sessions).

This is the first Persian Cat I've ever done in b & w. I have to say it is the most time-consuming color combination I do; it takes SO long to paint because not only does white need extra coats, but the lines have to be exactly perfect. Mistakes are hard to cover up.

As long as I had to do a Persian Cat for a custom order, I decided to do another for my shop. 

I love it in brown/gold/bronze/black.  It seems exotic.  I added Swarovski crystals to both the cats, for a little extra sparkle.  The trick with the crystals (I have learned) is to not overdo it! A few are elegant, but too many look like Elvis's Vegas Pantsuit.

The brown cat is in my shop right now...here.

Meanwhile, in other news, I'm trying to get ready for Thanksgiving.  Charlotte is coming home and I badly need to organize and clean her room.  It's still just as she left it when she went to college.  I've actually decided to hire help to do this thing.  Greg will not help, and every time I go up there and confront the mess, I feel like crying.  It's mostly a matter of consolidating her clothes (which carpet the floor) and throwing away or storing several years-worth of junk.  What was supposed to be her closet is actually unapproachable because there is so much clutter that it has formed an impenetrable drift.  It's an ongoing issue that I've failed to deal with effectively for years now...mainly because I respect her privacy but also because I figured if she wanted to live that way, it was her business.  But yeah, now that she's living mostly somewhere else, why should I have such a mess up there?  It makes no sense.

So, I don't know.  Merry Maids, maybe, or whoever cleans houses for hoarders.  :/  Cost is no object.  It must be done, and I can't do it alone.  Whoever I get had better not be squeamish about snakes because Ka gets curious and slinks all around her tank whenever anyone goes upstairs.

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