All the news...

Nov 17, 2011 23:10

My entries have devolved into pure crap lately.  *shrug*  Well let's see.

*I have new shoes!  I love them.  Skecher's Spindrift clogs...brown ones.  They're fuzzy inside and they have just enough of a lip on the heel to keep your foot inside, which is great because I love the ease of clogs but I hate how your foot slides right out too easily when you want to run in 'em or something.  Also, they are "tone-ups" which means they have this weird soft thick comfy rounded sole that makes walking fun and easy and comfortable, with just the right amount of arch support.  I've been wearing them all day and not only do my feet feel great; my knees don't ache and neither does my back.  I LOVE these ugly things.

*I'm working pretty much non-stop, but what else is new?  I'm always doing that.  To be honest, I like it.  I'm making effortlessly good masks these days too, so that's cool.

*It's snowing.

*Charlotte comes home on Saturday!  I'm excited to see her, though I'm worried that she'll just be too busy with friends to spend any time with me.  :/  We shall see.  Either way it'll be nice to have the kid home for a few days.  I miss talking to her about politics and philosophy and religion and all the things I'm too polite to talk to other people about (usually).

*Professionals are coming to once and for all organize Char's room.  I've begun the process with loads of laundry but they'll do the organizing and garbage duty and all the stuff that just makes me want to cry whenever I see her room.  :(  It needs to be done!  I bought a nice underbed storage thingy for linens, and a new stack of cubes for blue jeans and hoodies, and new comforter and mattress pad and pillows...about $200 of the good stuff from Target so her room will be spiffy when she comes home.  It'll still be her room, with the Chinese paper lanterns strung on the ceiling and all her posters and pictures tacked all over the walls and all her trinkets on the shelves.  It'll just be a neater cleaner version of her room, with all the video games back in boxes and all the junk put away, and clothing in drawers with some rhyme and reason to it (a drawer for socks, a drawer for tee shirts, etc...).  *sigh*  I can't wait for her to see it.  :)

*I'm about half done with my holiday shopping.  I love Etsy!!!  Everyone is getting wonderful, unique stuff that is handmade in the USA and we all get to feel great about it.

*I watched the coolest movie.  It's called "Moon" and it was wonderful and thought-provoking.  I love good sci-fi but there isn't that much of it around (most of it has guys like Vin diesel (sp??) or "The Rock" or whoever the heck else is the flavor of the month, running around in space gear shooting space guns killing space aliens.  In space.  So they can have cool zero-g space sex with space babes).   But anyway I liked this one.  It was thoughtful and sad and compelling and disturbing.  Good space drama.  In space!

*I finally saw the last Harry Potter film.  Yes, it was great, and yeah I cried like a little girl.  Harry is, y'know, Jesus-like in his perfection now and always will be.  All hail Harry Potter.

That's about it.  I have pictures of my latest masks (but again, I share them on FB and DA and Etsy and so I suppose they are ho-hum here) and my clogs (which are ugly!!  But comfy so I don't give a fig), but I'm too lazy to upload stuff to Photobucket so you'll just have to take my word for it; masks = great, clogs = ugly.   
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